
歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
The House by the Grove tragodia Before the Fall
The Forgery tragodia Before the Fall
Before the Fall tragodia Before the Fall
Of Dark Suns and Dying Stars tragodia Before the Fall
Adrift tragodia Before the Fall
The Fifth Season tragodia Before the Fall
Veils of Grey tragodia Before the Fall
Master of the Loss tragodia Before the Fall
The Untrodden Road tragodia Before the Fall
Star-Driven tragodia Before the Fall
The Weeping Rock Of Seriphus tragodia Mythmaker 歌词
Mythmaker tragodia Mythmaker 歌词
Born Under Niobe tragodia Mythmaker 歌词
The Stone And The Idol tragodia Mythmaker 歌词
Once In Arcadia tragodia Mythmaker 歌词
Tidal Waves Of Greatness tragodia Mythmaker 歌词
Wisdom In The Meadows of Sorrow tragodia Mythmaker 歌词
Temple In Time tragodia Mythmaker 歌词
The Oracle And The Muse tragodia Mythmaker 歌词
Cry Among The Stars tragodia Mythmaker 歌词
The Promethean Legacy tragodia All Our Miseries
To Perceive the Form tragodia All Our Miseries
The Desert Call (All Our Miseries) tragodia All Our Miseries
Painland tragodia All Our Miseries
The Manifest of Decadence tragodia All Our Miseries
Of Beauty and Tempest tragodia The Promethean Legacy
Downfall of the Ancients tragodia The Promethean Legacy
Deep Space Confine tragodia The Promethean Legacy
Elegy of the Restless tragodia The Promethean Legacy
Icons in a Wasteland tragodia The Promethean Legacy
Love Among the Ruins tragodia The Promethean Legacy
Forsaken Dreams tragodia The Promethean Legacy
The Wreck of Hope tragodia The Promethean Legacy
I, Decline tragodia The Promethean Legacy