Tant que vivrai
Scholars of London
Art and Music: Bruegel - Music of His Time
Priere devant le repas:Prière devant le repas
Scholars of London
Art and Music: Bruegel - Music of His Time
Mille regretz
Scholars of London
Art and Music: Da Vinci - Music of His Time
Or vien ca, vien, m'amye:Or vien ca
Scholars of London
Art and Music: Bruegel - Music of His Time
La, la Maistre Pierre:La la, maistre Pierre
Scholars of London
Art and Music: Bruegel - Music of His Time
Je ne le croy
Scholars of London
Art and Music: Bruegel - Music of His Time
Faulte d'argent a 5:Faute d'argent
Scholars of London
Art and Music: Da Vinci - Music of His Time
Bon jour mon coeur:Bonjour mon coeur
Scholars of London
Art and Music: Bruegel - Music of His Time
Beau le cristal
Scholars of London
Art and Music: Bruegel - Music of His Time
Action des graces
Scholars of London
Art and Music: Bruegel - Music of His Time
Reveillez vous, cueurs endormis, "Le chant des oiseaux":Le chant des oiseaux
Scholars of London
French Chansons
Un jeune moine
Scholars of London
French Chansons