Pipe Majors and Old Hags: Pipe Major Jimmy MacGregor / Old Hag You Have Killed Me / MacGuire's Jig
Scottish Folk Bands: Best of the Best, Vol. 5
Elizabeth Kelly's: Elizabeth Kelly's Favourite
Scottish Folk Bands: Best of the Best, Vol. 9
Sgian Dubh: The Kid on the Mountain / Derek's Slip Jig / Sgian Dubh
Scottish Folk Bands: Best of the Best, Vol. 7
Polkas and Jigs: Kerry Polka / Trip to Sligo / Wellington's Advance
Scottish Folk Bands: Best of the Best, Vol. 3
The Lilting Banshee: The Lilting Banshee / Port Ui Mhuirgheasa / Cion a' Bhuntata
Oor Ain' Folk: The Very Best of Scottish Music, Vol. 4