
歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
The Music of the Spheres Vernon Elliott Space Party Music: Way Out Sounds for Your Space Party
Piccolo Attempt Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
2 Take 1 Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
13 Number 1 Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
7 Take 5 Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
C Take 1 Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
7 Take 2 Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Organ Tune for Captions Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Effects: Magical Noises Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Plant Growing Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
7 Take 6 Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Pogles Walk Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Pogles Intro by Oliver Postgate Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Ivor short theme Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Oliver and Peter developing Ivor noises Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Effects: Get Art Of It! Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Effects: Handling chain Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Effects: Ivor resists starting Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Elephant Walk Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Effects: Donkey Departing Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Donkey Theme Pt. 2 Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Oliver Postgate Intro and Main Ivor Theme Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Untitled Cue No. 2 From Session Two Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Untitled Cue From Session Two Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
King Of Diamonds Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Effects: Various Magic Noises Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Pogle Into Witch’s Theme Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Untitled Cue from Session One Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Apprehensive Music Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Pogles Run Around Playing “He" Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Pogles Walk Brisk Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
1 retake 3 Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Effects: Ivor parps Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Land Of My Fathers Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Effects: Ivor chuffing Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Effects: Coal Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Ivor’s Jig Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Donkey Theme Pt. 1 Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Fast Theme Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
Cruising Theme Vernon Elliott Ivor The Engine And Pogles Wood
From "The Bags" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "Teapot" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "The Rock Collector" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
Oliver's Special Effects Vernon Elliott The Clangers
Tiny Clanger's Radio Hat Vernon Elliott The Clangers
An End Title Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "Fishing" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "Visiting friends" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
Intro and dialogue Vernon Elliott The Clangers
A Clangers Opera Vernon Elliott The Clangers
A Short Silent Interval Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "The Music Of The Spheres" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "The Pipe Organ" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "Blow fruit" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "The Seed" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "Cloud" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "Glowhoney" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "Goods" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
Useful Musical Sequences Vernon Elliott The Clangers
From "Treasure" Vernon Elliott The Clangers
Clangers Running Around the Planet Vernon Elliott The Clangers
The Start Of "Music" Vernon Elliott The Clangers