Menalca relinque gregem. Aria pastoralis
Martin Turnovsky
Heidi Wolnerhanssen
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period
In Betlehem, pastores, natus est Jesulus. Aria pastoralis
Martin Turnovsky
Marta Beňačková
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period
Pastores surgite. Offertorium pastorale
Martin Turnovsky
Kuhn Mixed Choir
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Pavel Kühn
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period
Ad cunam mecum pastores. Pastorella in G Major
Martin Turnovsky
Heidi Wolnerhanssen
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period
Gloria - O dulce Angelorum melos. Motetto pastorale. Gloria - Recitativo - Natus est nobis
Martin Turnovsky
Heidi Wolnerhanssen
Marta Beňačková
Karel Prusa
Eva Urbanová
Vladimír Okénko
Kuhn Mixed Choir
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Pavel Kühn
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period
Reges de Saba veniunt. Motetto pro festo S. S. Trium Regum
Martin Turnovsky
Heidi Wolnerhanssen
Marta Beňačková
Vladimír Okénko
Jaromír Belor
Kuhn Mixed Choir
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Pavel Kühn
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period
Christus nobis natus est
Martin Turnovsky
Kuhn Mixed Choir
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Pavel Kühn
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period
Pastores quem vidistis. Pastorella in C Major
Martin Turnovsky
Eva Urbanová
Kuhn Mixed Choir
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Pavel Kühn
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period
Quem vidistis, pastores. Motetto pastorale
Martin Turnovsky
Heidi Wolnerhanssen
Marta Beňačková
Vladimír Okénko
Kuhn Mixed Choir
Karel Prusa
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Pavel Kühn
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period
O verbum caro factum. Pastorella
Martin Turnovsky
Karel Prusa
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period
Pastores surgite. Motetto pastorale
Martin Turnovsky
Heidi Wolnerhanssen
Marta Beňačková
Karel Prusa
Chamber Orchestra of Prague Symphony
Jaroslav Josífko
Pastores surgite. Latin Pastorals of the Czech Classical Period