On the Green Hills of Ulster the White Cross waves high |
And the beacon of war throws its flames to the sky |
Now the taunt and the threat let the cowards endure |
Our hope is in God and in Rory O'Moore |
Do you ask why the beacon and banner of war |
On the mountains of Ulster is seen from afar |
'Tis the signal our rights to regain and secure |
Through God and our country and Rory O'Moore |
On the Green Hills of Ulster the White Cross waves high |
And the beacon of war throws its flames to the sky |
Now the taunt and the threat let the cowards endure |
Our hope is in God and in Rory O'Moore |
And his country, his kindred, his faith would abjure |
We'll strike for old Ireland and Rory O'Moore |
For the merciless Scots with their greed and their swords |
With war in their bosoms and peace in their words |
Have sworn the bright light of our faith to obscure |
But our hope is in God and in Rory O'Moore |
Oh lives there the traitor who'd shrink from the strife |
Who would add to the length of his forfeited life |
And his country, his kindred, his faith would abjure |
No we'll strike for old Ireland and Rory O'Moore |
On the Green Hills of Ulster the White Cross waves high |
And the beacon of war throws its flames to the sky |
Now the taunt and the threat let the cowards endure |
Our hope is in God and in Rory O'Moore |
And his country, his kindred, his faith would abjure |
No we'll strike for old Ireland and Rory O'Moore |