A Little Priest

A Little Priest 歌词

歌曲 A Little Priest
歌手 Various Artists
专辑 Sweeney Todd - The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
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[00:00.59] (Lovett)That's all very well, but what we gonna do about him
[00:03.88] (Todd)Later on when it's dark
[00:06.17] We'll take it to some secret place and bury it
[00:09.63] (Lovett)Oh, yeah, course we could do that
[00:15.34] Don't suppose he's got any relatives
[00:16.74] that's gonna come poking around looking for him
[00:19.56] Seems a downright shame
[00:22.45] (Todd)Shame?
[00:25.41] (Lovett)Seems an awful waste
[00:29.66] Such a nice plump frame, what's his name has
[00:33.78] Had, has, nor it can't be traced
[00:40.22] Business needs a lift, debts to be erased
[00:47.18] Think of it as thrift, as a gift, if you get my drift
[00:53.72] Seems an awful waste
[00:59.20] I mean, with the price of meat, what it is
[01:02.63] When you get it, if you get it
[01:05.33] (Todd)Ah
[01:06.66] (Lovett)Good, you got it
[01:07.57] Take for instance, Mrs. Mooney and her pie shop
[01:11.73] Business never better using only pussycats and toast
[01:15.82] Now a pussy's good for maybe six or seven at the most
[01:19.86] And I'm sure they can't compare as far as taste
[01:21.78] (Todd)Mrs. Lovett, what a charming notion, eminently practical
[01:23.93] (Todd)And yet appropriate as always/(Lovett)Well, it does seem a waste
[01:26.20] (Todd)Mrs. Lovett, how I've lived without you, all these years I'll never know
[01:29.84] (Lovett)Think about it...
[01:30.56] (Todd)How delectable!/(Lovett)...lots of other gentlemen'll...
[01:32.31] (Lovett)...soon be coming for a shave/(Todd)Also undetectable
[01:33.75] (Lovett)Won't they? Think of all them pies!/(Todd)How choice! How rare!
[01:36.60] (Todd)For what's the sound of the world out there?
[01:40.04] (Lovett)What, Mr. Todd, what, Mr. Todd, what is that sound?
[01:43.16] (Todd)Those crunching noises pervading the air
[01:46.65] (Lovett)Yes, Mr. Todd, yes, Mr. Todd, yes, all around
[01:49.59] (Todd)It's man devouring man, my dear
[01:52.97] (Together)And who are we to deny it in here?
[02:01.90] (Todd)These are desperate times, Mrs. Lovett
[02:05.61] And desperate measures are called for
[02:08.70] (Lovett)Here we are, hot out of the oven
[02:11.55] (Todd)What is that?
[02:13.51] (Lovett)It's priest, have a little priest
[02:16.60] (Todd)Is it really good?
[02:17.52] (Lovett)Sir, it's too good, at least
[02:20.11] Then again they don't commit sins of the flesh
[02:23.48] So it's pretty fresh
[02:26.95] (Todd)Awful lot of fat
[02:28.72] (Lovett)Only where it sat
[02:30.47] (Todd)Haven't you got poet or something like that?
[02:33.80] (Lovett)No, you see, the trouble with poet is how do you know it's deceased?
[02:38.69] Try the priest
[02:49.58] Lawyer's rather nice
[02:51.96] (Todd)If it's for a price
[02:53.73] (Lovett)Order something else, though, to follow
[02:55.76] Since no one should swallow it twice
[02:59.01] (Todd)Anything that's lean?
[03:00.60] (Lovett)Well, then, if you're British and loyal
[03:02.38] You might enjoy Royal Marine
[03:05.61] Anyway, it's clean
[03:07.51] Though, of course it tastes of wherever it's been
[03:10.69] (Todd)Is that squire on the fire?
[03:13.81] (Lovett)Mercy no, sir, look closer you'll notice it's grocer
[03:17.48] (Todd)Looks thicker, more like vicar
[03:20.71] (Lovett)No, it has to be grocer, it's green
[03:27.77] (Todd)The history of the world, my love...
[03:31.39] (Lovett)Save a lot of graves, do a lot of relatives favors
[03:34.16] (Todd)...is those below serving those up above
[03:38.06] (Lovett)Everybody shaves, so there should be plenty of flavors
[03:41.01] (Todd)How gratifying for once to know
[03:44.14] (Together)That those above will serve those down below!
[03:56.05] (Todd)What is that?
[03:57.21] (Lovett)It's fop, finest in the shop
[04:00.18] Or we have some shepherd's pie peppered with actural shepherd on top
[04:05.44] And I've just begun
[04:07.28] Here's the politician, so oily it's served with a doily, have one
[04:12.29] (Todd)Put it on a bun
[04:13.92] Well, you never know if it's going to run
[04:17.39] (Lovett)Try the friar, fried, it's drier
[04:20.52] (Todd)No, the clerge is really too coarse and too mealy
[04:24.20] (Lovett)Then actor, it's compacter
[04:27.39] (Todd)But always arrives overdone
[04:30.67] I'll come again when you have Judge on the menu
[04:40.59] Have charity towards the world, my pet
[04:44.05] (Lovett)Yes, yes, I know, my love
[04:47.30] (Todd)We'll take the customers that we can get
[04:50.64] (Lovett)High-born and low, my love
[04:53.81] (Todd)We'll not discriminate great from small
[04:56.91] No, we'll serve anyone
[04:59.05] (Lovett)We'll serve anyone/(Todd)Meaning anyone
[05:01.15] (Together)And to anyone at all!
[00:00.59] Lovett:这样想很好,不过要怎么处置他呢?
[00:03.88] Todd:等到天黑的时候
[00:06.17] 我们找个隐蔽的地方把他埋了
[00:09.63] Lovett:哦,是啊,当然了,我们当然可以这么干
[00:15.34] 我不认为有哪门子的亲戚
[00:16.74] 愿意四处找他
[00:19.56] 只是有些遗憾
[00:22.45] Todd:遗憾?
[00:25.41] Lovett:实在是可怕的浪费
[00:29.66] 多么好的肉排啊,他的名字是?
[00:33.78] 是...可能是...大概是...也许没人会记得
[00:40.22] 业绩需要提升,债务需要偿还
[00:47.18] 就当这个做法是节俭持家,而他是天赐的礼物
[00:53.72] 的确是可怕的浪费啊
[00:59.20] 我是说,当你买到手的时候
[01:02.63] 肉价该有多昂贵,如果你能买到的话
[01:05.33] Todd:啊!
[01:06.66] Lovett:很好,你明白了
[01:07.57] 比如说穆尼太太的派店
[01:11.73] 只用吐司和猫肉生意不会有什么好转
[01:15.82] 而且猫肉最多只够六七个派
[01:19.86] 我肯定味道也比不上这...
[01:21.78] Todd:拉芙特太太,多么聪明的点子,真是恰如其分
[01:23.93] Todd:而且行之有效 Lovett:恩,的确是种浪费
[01:26.20] Todd:拉芙特太太,我不知道这些年没有你,我是怎么过的
[01:29.84] Lovett:仔细想想看...
[01:30.56] Todd:有多么美味!Lovett:很快会有很多男人...
[01:32.31] Lovett:...过来刮脸Todd:而且不着痕迹
[01:33.75] Lovett:不是吗?想想看吧,都是派啊!Todd:多么棒的办法!多么罕见的机会!
[01:36.60] Todd:外面是什么声音?
[01:40.04] Lovett:什么,陶德先生,什么,陶德先生,都是些什么声音?
[01:43.16] Todd:那些弥漫的咀嚼磨牙声
[01:46.65] Lovett:是的,陶德先生,是的,陶德先生,到处都是
[01:49.59] Todd:是人在吃人,我亲爱的
[01:52.97] 合:那我们又有什么立场去拒绝?
[02:01.90] Todd:现在是非常时期,拉芙特太太
[02:05.61] 因此我们需要些非常手段
[02:08.70] Lovett:好了,新鲜出炉
[02:11.55] Todd:这是什么馅的?
[02:13.51] Lovett:牧师味的,来个小牧师派吧
[02:16.60] Todd:味道真的好吗?
[02:17.52] Lovett:先生,好得让你不敢相信
[02:20.11] 因为他们的肉体还不曾被罪恶沾染过
[02:23.48] 所以也足够新鲜
[02:26.95] Todd:但有太多脂肪
[02:28.72] Lovett:只是屁股上有点胖
[02:30.47] Todd:你有诗人么?或者是相似的品种?
[02:33.80] Lovett:没有,你瞧诗人的问题在于你无法知道他是不是真正死去
[02:38.69] 尝尝牧师馅的吧
[02:49.58] 律师的味道很不错
[02:51.96] Todd:如果有货的话
[02:53.73] Lovett:或者选些别的来当配菜
[02:55.76] 因为没人能咬下第二口
[02:59.01] Todd:有精肉的吗?
[03:00.60] Lovett:那么,如果你是英国人而且很忠诚
[03:02.38] 那你也许会喜欢皇家海军馅的
[03:05.61] 不管怎样,肯定干净
[03:07.51] 当然,味道得取决于他们到过哪里旅行
[03:10.69] Todd:火上烤的可是豪绅?
[03:13.81] Lovett:抛开慈悲,先生,仔细瞧瞧,你会发现那是个杂货摊贩
[03:17.48] Todd:看起来很结实,更像个教区牧师
[03:20.71] Lovett:不,是个杂货摊贩,你看,他穿着绿色的围裙
[03:27.77] Todd:我亲爱的,世界的历史可以证明
[03:31.39] Lovett:这样能减少坟墓,能得到不少省事的好处
[03:34.16] Todd:底层人总为上层人服务
[03:38.06] Lovett:每个男人都需要修脸,所以将会有很多种口味
[03:41.01] Todd:一想到这就让人欢欣鼓舞
[03:44.14] 上等人也将为下等人服务!
[03:56.05] Todd:那又是什么味道的?
[03:57.21] Lovett:浪荡公子,店里最上等的货色
[04:00.18] 我们还有牧羊香辣派,上面撒着真正的牧童肉末
[04:05.44] 而我正开始烤的
[04:07.28] 是政治家,油脂太多,所以最好有一张小餐巾擦擦嘴
[04:12.29] Todd:得夹在面饼里
[04:13.92] 因为他们随时都会逃走
[04:17.39] Lovett:试试苦行僧吧,煎得有些干了
[04:20.52] Todd:不,僧侣实在皮糙,而且吃起来都是颗粒
[04:24.20] Lovett:那不如试试演员,肉压得十分紧实
[04:27.39] Todd:但经常烤得过了火
[04:30.67] 等你的菜单里有法官时我会再惠顾的
[04:40.59] 多为这世界做些善事,我亲爱的
[04:44.05] Lovett:好的,好的,我知道了,亲爱的
[04:47.30] Todd:我们会对顾客一视同仁
[04:50.64] Lovett:不论高低还是贵贱,亲爱的
[04:53.81] Todd:我们绝不歧视伟大的或渺小的
[04:56.91] 不会的,我们为任何人服务
[04:59.05] Lovett:我们会为所有人服务Todd:真的是所有人
[05:01.15] 合:人人都有份!
A Little Priest 歌词


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