Omigod You Guys

Omigod You Guys 歌词

歌曲 Omigod You Guys
歌手 DeQuina Moore
歌手 Laura Bell Bundy
歌手 YoungStar
歌手 YoungStar
歌手 YoungStar
专辑 Legally Blonde The Musical
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[00:09.93] MARGOT,
[00:15.51] Dear Elle,
[00:16.26] He's a lucky guy
[00:17.80] I'm, like, gonna cry
[00:19.50] I got tears coming out of my nose
[00:21.29] Mad props!
[00:21.49] He's the campus catch
[00:23.64] You're a perfect match
[00:25.13] Cause you both have such great taste in clothes
[00:28.36] Of course he will propose
[00:31.25] SERENA
[00:31.55] Dear Elle,
[00:32.60] Honey maseltav
[00:34.00] future's taking off
[00:35.34] Bring that ring back
[00:37.13] and show it to me
[00:37.84] PILAR
[00:38.09] Four carats
[00:38.63] A princess cut
[00:39.93] Are you psyched or what?!
[00:41.57] I just wish i could be there to see
[00:44.16] ALL THREE GIRLS,
[00:44.36] When he gets down on one knee
[00:47.55] ALL GIRLS,
[00:47.80] omigod
[00:48.56] omigod, you guys
[00:50.40] Looks like Elle's gonna win the prize
[00:53.40] If there ever was a perfect couple, this one qualifies
[00:57.38] omigod, you guys
[00:59.43] omigod, this is happening
[01:02.21] Our own homecoming queen and king
[01:05.15] Finally she'll be trying on a huge engagement ring for size
[01:09.09] omigod, you guys
[01:10.89] omigod!
[01:14.59] PILAR,
[01:14.93] Okay,
[01:15.33] Everybody signed, good
[01:16.83] Now fall in line
[01:18.23] And we'll start the engagement parade
[01:19.97] SERENA,
[01:20.28] Light candles in single file
[01:22.57] Dont forget to smile
[01:24.17] Lose the gum Kate, you look like a maid (Spoken: Sorry!)
[01:27.16] Now prepare to serenade.
[01:30.45] omigod
[01:31.60] omigod, you guys
[01:33.10] Looks like Elle's gonna win the prize
[01:35.89] (Spoken) SH!
[01:36.39] If there ever was a perfect couple, this one qualifi...
[01:39.93] (Spoken)SHH!
[01:40.27] omigod, you...
[01:41.37] SERENA
[01:41.57] (Spoken)GUYS, I'M SERIOUS!
[01:42.32] FRAT GIRL
[01:42.56] Elle and Warner were meant to be
[01:42.76] FRAT GIRL #2
[01:46.36] Not once has he ever hit on me
[01:46.75] KATE,
[01:47.85] (Spoken) SHUT-UP!
[01:48.35] MARGOT,
[01:48.60] There just like that couple from Titanic, only no one dies
[01:52.10] omigod
[01:52.30] ALL GIRLS
[01:52.84] Two! Three! Four!
[01:53.94] Daughter of Delta-Nu
[01:55.94] Soon to be fiance
[01:58.19] Now that a man chose you
[02:00.48] Your life begins today
[02:02.72] Make him a happy home
[02:05.07] Waste not his hard earned wage
[02:07.11] And so he does not roam
[02:09.66] Strive not to look your age
[02:11.60] Still in your hour of need
[02:13.75] Let it be understood
[02:16.14] No man could supersede,
[02:18.33] Our sacred bond of sisterhood
[02:22.86] omigod
[02:24.11] omigod, you gu-
[02:24.76] SPOKEN:
[02:25.10] "Guy, she's not here."
[02:31.16] "Bruiser, where is Elle?"
[02:32.80] (Bark)
[02:33.61] "She's doesnt have an engagement outfit?"
[02:35.55] (Bark)
[02:36.54] "She's totally freaking out?"
[02:37.99] (Bark)
[02:38.50] "She's trapped in the old valley mill?"
[02:40.68] (Bark)
[02:42.43] "Oh whoops sorry, the Old Valley Mall?!"
[02:46.02] omigod, dress emergency!
[02:51.21] SERENA,
[02:51.55] Don't take the freeway!
[02:52.80] FRAT GIRL
[02:53.06] Hey, wait for me!
[02:54.45] No one should be left alone to dress and to accessorize!
[02:58.39] omigod, you guys!
[03:00.33] omigod
[03:00.73] omigod
[03:01.43] omigod
[03:02.23] omigod
[03:03.08] omigod
[03:12.89] ELLE,
[03:13.19] (Spoken) It's almost there but...
[03:15.98] (Sung) This dress needs to seal the deal
[03:18.62] Make a grown man kneel
[03:20.47] But it can't come right out and say bride
[03:23.36] Cant look like I'm desperate or
[03:26.55] Like I'm waiting for it
[03:27.16] I gotta leave Warner his pride
[03:31.38] So bride is more implied
[03:36.56] omigod
[03:37.36] omigod, you guys
[03:39.45] All this week I've had butterflies
[03:42.63] Every time he looks at me its totally proposal eyes
[03:46.87] omigod you guys
[03:49.06] So help me dress for my fairytale
[03:51.96] Cant wear something I bought on sale
[03:54.75] SERENA,
[03:55.34] Love is , like, forever.
[03:56.54] This is no time to economize
[03:58.93] omigod, you guys
[04:01.18] SALE WOMAN,
[04:07.31] (Spoken) Excuse me, have you seen this? It just came in. It's perfect for a blonde.
[04:13.68] ELLE,
[04:14.12] (Spoken)Right! With a half lip stitch on china silk?
[04:16.96] SALE WOMAN,
[04:17.41] (Spoken) Uh-huh.
[04:18.61] ELLE,
[04:19.01] (Spoken) But the thing is, you can't use a half lip stich on china silk. It'll pucker.
[04:23.20] And you didn't just get this in because I saw it in last May's Vogue
[04:27.08] FRAT GIRLS,
[04:28.29] (whisper)
[04:28.74] omigod
[04:29.33] omigod, you guys
[04:30.43] ELLE,
[04:30.73] (Spoken) I'm not about to buy last years dress at this years price
[04:33.47] FRAT GIRLS
[04:33.77] Elle saw right through that salesgirl's lies
[04:36.66] ELLE
[04:36.91] (Spoken) It may be perfect for a blonde, but I'm not that blonde!
[04:40.04] (Sung) I may be in love but im not stupid
[04:42.04] Lady, I've got eyes
[04:44.58] STORE OWNER,
[04:44.88] (Spoken) omigod, Elle woods
[04:46.02] (Sung) Sorry, our mistake
[04:47.32] Courtney, take your break!
[04:49.16] Just ignore her
[04:50.30] She hasn't been well
[04:51.41] Try this!
[04:52.35] Latest from Milan
[04:53.70] Go on, try it on
[04:55.10] I take care of my best clientelle
[04:58.24] Its a gift from me to Elle
[05:03.02] ELLE,
[05:03.47] omigod
[05:05.76] omigod, you guys
[05:08.36] This one's perfect and its just my size
[05:12.89] See, dreams really do come true, you never have to compromise
[05:16.87] omigod
[05:17.47] FRAT GIRLS,
[05:18.76] omigod
[05:20.00] omigod you guys
[05:21.91] Let's go home before someone cries
[05:24.54] If there ever was a perfect couple this one qualifies
[05:26.78] Cause we love you guys!
[05:30.02] ELLE:
[05:30.37] No, I love you guys!
[05:31.61] FRAT GIRLS,
[05:31.97] omigod
[05:32.32] ELLE,
[05:32.57] omigod
[05:32.91] ALL GIRLS.
[05:33.36] omigod
[05:37.13] You guys!
[05:42.61] omigod!
[00:09.93] 玛格丽特:
[00:15.51] 亲爱的艾尔,
[00:16.26] 他真是个幸运的家伙
[00:17.80] 我简直,快哭出来了
[00:19.50] 鼻涕眼泪一起往下流
[00:21.29] 给你打call!
[00:21.49] 他是校园男神
[00:23.64] 你们天生一对
[00:25.13] 因为你们的绝赞衣品超级相配
[00:28.36] 他当然会向你求婚的
[00:31.25] 赛琳娜:
[00:31.55] 亲爱的艾尔,
[00:32.60] 北鼻,恭喜你
[00:34.00] 美好的未来要来了
[00:35.34] 一定要带着戒指回来
[00:37.13] 给我秀一波
[00:37.84] 皮莱尔:
[00:38.09] 四克拉
[00:38.63] 公主方切法
[00:39.93] 还不够你激动的吗?!
[00:41.57] 我只希望我也在那儿看到
[00:44.16] 三姐妹:
[00:44.36] 他单膝跪地的瞬间
[00:47.55] 所有女孩:
[00:47.80] 我的天呐
[00:48.56] 我的天呐,姐妹们
[00:50.40] 看来艾尔马上就要拿到大奖了
[00:53.40] 如果世界上有天作之合,那就是他俩没错
[00:57.38] 我的天呐,姐妹们
[00:59.43] 我的天呐,这居然是真的
[01:02.21] 我们的返校日国王和皇后
[01:05.15] 她终于要试戴她巨大的订婚戒指了
[01:09.09] 我的天呐,姐妹们
[01:10.89] 我的天呐!
[01:14.59] 皮莱尔:
[01:14.93] 好了,
[01:15.33] 所有人安静,很好
[01:16.83] 现在排好队
[01:18.23] 订婚庆典马上就要开始
[01:19.97] 赛琳娜:
[01:20.28] 蜡烛点好,站成一列
[01:22.57] 别忘了面带微笑
[01:24.17] 把口香糖吐了,凯特,你看着就像个女佣(凯特:抱歉!)
[01:27.16] 现在准备开始唱小夜曲
[01:30.45] 我的天呐
[01:31.60] 我的天呐,姐妹们
[01:33.10] 看来艾尔马上就要拿到大奖了
[01:35.89] 嘘!
[01:36.39] 如果世界上有天作之合,那就是他俩没——
[01:39.93] 嘘!!
[01:40.27] 我的天呐,姐——
[01:41.37] 赛琳娜:
[01:41.57] 我要生气了!
[01:42.32] 女孩1:
[01:42.56] 艾尔和华纳天生一对
[01:42.76] 女孩2:
[01:46.36] 华纳一次都没有撩过我
[01:46.75] 凯特:
[01:47.85] 闭嘴吧你!
[01:48.35] 玛格丽特:
[01:48.60] 他们就像泰坦尼克号的小情侣,只是谁都没死
[01:52.10] 我的天呐
[01:52.30] 所有女孩:
[01:52.84] 二!三!四!
[01:53.94] 三角姐妹会之女
[01:55.94] 将成为未婚妻
[01:58.19] 那个男人选择了你
[02:00.48] 你的生活从此完美
[02:02.72] 为他操持家庭
[02:05.07] 不乱花钱不浪费
[02:07.11] 让他不会四处游荡
[02:09.66] 努力永葆青春容颜
[02:11.60] 在你需要帮助的时候
[02:13.75] 姐妹,你要理解
[02:16.14] 没有男人可以取代
[02:18.33] 我们亲如手足的姐妹情
[02:22.86] 我的天呐
[02:24.11] 我的天呐,姐——
[02:24.76] 念白:
[02:25.10] 各位,她不在这儿
[02:31.16] 布鲁泽,艾尔去哪儿了?
[02:32.80] (汪!)
[02:33.61] 她没有适合订婚的衣服?
[02:35.55] (汪!)
[02:36.54] 她彻底崩溃了?
[02:37.99] (汪!)
[02:38.50] 她被困在旧谷磨坊里了?
[02:40.68] (汪!)
[02:42.43] 哦,搞错了不好意思,旧谷商场?!
[02:46.02] 我的天呐,着装危机!
[02:51.21] 赛琳娜:
[02:51.55] 别走高速!
[02:52.80] 女孩:
[02:53.06] 嘿,等等我!
[02:54.45] 没有人应该一个人去挑衣服,去试首饰!
[02:58.39] 我的天呐,姐妹们!
[03:00.33] 我的天呐
[03:00.73] 我的天呐
[03:01.43] 我的天呐
[03:02.23] 我的天呐
[03:03.08] 我的天————呐
[03:12.89] 艾尔:
[03:13.19] 这件倒是差不多,但是吧
[03:15.98] 我要找的裙子得要
[03:18.62] 让一个男人为我跪地
[03:20.47] 但是不能太过直戳了当的像个新娘
[03:23.36] 不能看起来像我很渴望一样
[03:26.55] 像是我好像期待了很久一样
[03:27.16] 我得给华纳留够面子
[03:31.38] 所以得表现的更隐晦
[03:36.56] 我的天呐
[03:37.36] 我的天呐,姐妹们
[03:39.45] 这一整个星期我都小鹿乱撞
[03:42.63] 他的每个眼神都绝对是要求婚一样
[03:46.87] 我的天呐,姐妹们
[03:49.06] 所以帮我打扮成童话里的模样
[03:51.96] 绝对不能穿那些 打折处理的东西
[03:54.75] 赛琳娜:
[03:55.34] 爱就像是,像是永远
[03:56.54] 这不是考虑价钱的时候
[03:58.93] 我的天呐,姐妹们
[04:01.18] 销售员:(金发妞儿的钱可真好赚)
[04:07.31] 您好,您试过这件了吗?这是这一季新款,特别适合金发女郎
[04:13.68] 艾尔:
[04:14.12] 哦!这是在丝绸上用了半环缝吗?
[04:16.96] 销售员:
[04:17.41] 呃,是啊
[04:18.61] 艾尔:
[04:19.01] 但是事实上,丝绸上不能用半环缝,它会起皱的
[04:23.20] 况且它也不是刚上市,因为去年五月的《Vogue》上我就见过它
[04:27.08] 女孩们:
[04:28.29] (小声)
[04:28.74] 天呐
[04:29.33] 我的天呐,姐妹们
[04:30.43] 艾尔:
[04:30.73] 我可不会为过时的裙子付新款的钱
[04:33.47] 女孩们:
[04:33.77] 艾尔看穿了售货员的小把戏
[04:36.66] 艾尔:
[04:36.91] 它可能很配我的金发,但我可不是那种金发傻妞!
[04:40.04] 我确实在恋爱,但是我还有脑子
[04:42.04] 小姐,我长眼睛了
[04:44.58] 店长:
[04:44.88] 天呐,这是艾尔·伍兹
[04:46.02] 对不起,是我们的失误
[04:47.32] 考特尼,去休息一下!
[04:49.16] 别管她
[04:50.30] 她身(脑)体(子)不太好
[04:51.41] 试试这个!
[04:52.35] 米兰的最新款
[04:53.70] 来,换上试试
[04:55.10] 我会照顾好我最好的顾客的
[04:58.24] 这是我给艾尔的礼物
[05:03.02] 艾尔:
[05:03.47] 我的天呐
[05:05.76] 我的天呐,姐妹们
[05:08.36] 这条裙子太完美了,而且我穿上刚合适
[05:12.89] 看吧,梦想确实总会实现,你从不需要妥协
[05:16.87] 我的天呐
[05:17.47] 女孩:
[05:18.76] 我的天呐
[05:20.00] 我的天呐,姐妹们
[05:21.91] 在有人哭出来之前咱们赶紧回去吧
[05:24.54] 如果世界上有天作之合,那就是他俩没错
[05:26.78] 因为我们永远爱你!
[05:30.02] 艾尔:
[05:30.37] 不,是我永远爱你们!
[05:31.61] 女孩:
[05:31.97] 我的天呐
[05:32.32] 艾尔:
[05:32.57] 我的天呐
[05:32.91] 所有女孩:
[05:33.36] 我的天呐
[05:37.13] 我的姐妹们啊!
[05:42.61] 我的天呐!
Omigod You Guys 歌词
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