The Harvard Variations

The Harvard Variations 歌词

歌曲 The Harvard Variations
歌手 Christian Borle
歌手 YoungStar
专辑 Legally Blonde The Musical
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[00:11.59] EMMETT
[00:11.79] (spoken) Hello. I'm Emmett Forrest.
[00:13.68] Welcome to the hallowed halls of Harvard Law.
[00:17.03] Uh, let's go around and share a bit about yourselves.
[00:20.71] AARON
[00:20.86] (spoken) Aaron Sholtz.
[00:22.06] (sung) I won a Fulbright and a Rhodes
[00:24.75] I write financial software codes
[00:27.55] But that's a challenge I've outgrown
[00:29.95] How many yachts can one man own?
[00:32.88] Some say that I'm a pompous creep
[00:35.68] Somehow I don't lose that much sleep
[00:38.53] Why bother with false modesty?
[00:41.22] Harvard's the perfect place for me
[00:43.57] STUDENTS
[00:43.82] Pretty impressive, good to know
[00:46.77] Welcome to Harvard
[00:48.07] What's up?
[00:48.77] Yo!
[00:49.42] SUNDY
[00:49.62] (spoken) Sundy Pagrowell Pommadon, but you may call me "your majesty."
[00:54.81] (sung) In my country
[00:57.27] My word was law
[01:00.00] But then I flee
[01:02.75] Because of stupid "coup d'etat"
[01:05.99] But here I learn
[01:09.12] I make new friends
[01:11.62] And soon return
[01:13.93] In bullet-proof Mercedes Benz
[01:16.52] STUDENTS
[01:16.77] Pretty impressive, good to know
[01:19.31] Welcome to Har--
[01:20.36] ENID
[01:22.46] (spoken) ENID HUPES!
[01:23.06] (sung) I did the peace corps overseas
[01:23.47] Inoculating refugees
[01:24.47] In family clinics that I built myself
[01:26.56] From mud and trees
[01:27.51] I fought to clean up their lagoons
[01:28.95] And save their rare endangered loons
[01:29.90] And led a protest march against insensitive cartoons
[01:33.24] STUDENTS
[01:33.59] Pretty impressive, good--
[01:34.50] ENID
[01:35.45] But now I'm on the legal track
[01:36.90] Because this country's out of whack
[01:38.03] And only women have the guts to go and take it back
[01:40.25] We'll make the government come clean
[01:41.70] And get more people voting green
[01:43.50] And really stick it to the phallocentric war machine
[01:45.34] ELLE
[01:46.04] (spoken) I love your top! It is so fatigue chic!
[01:50.72] Anyone know where I can find Criminal Law 101 with Professor Callahan and
[01:53.22] Warner Huntington the Third?
[01:55.61] EMMETT
[01:55.91] (spoken) It's in Houser. Over there, second building on the left.
[01:59.10] ELLE
[01:59.45] (spoken) Thanks!
[02:02.05] AARON
[02:02.25] I won a Fulbright and a Rhodes
[02:04.59] I write financial software codes
[02:07.42] Harvard's the perfect place for me
[02:09.18] SUNDY
[02:09.47] In my country
[02:09.92] My word was law
[02:10.42] Harvard's the perfect place for me
[02:12.27] ENID
[02:12.62] I did the peace corps overseas
[02:14.36] Inoculating refugees
[02:14.56] Harvard's the perfect place for me
[02:15.12] STUDENTS
[02:15.37] Harvard's the perfect place for--
[02:15.81] ELLE
[02:16.16] Warner!
[02:16.66] STUDENTS
[02:17.21] Ha-a-a-a-a
[02:17.56] ELLE
[02:17.76] (spoken) Scuse me!
[02:18.05] STUDENTS
[02:18.45] Ha-a-a-a-a
[02:19.61] ELLE
[02:20.45] (spoken) Pardon me!
[02:20.65] STUDENTS
[02:21.30] Ha-a-a-a-a
[02:22.05] ELLE
[02:22.99] (spoken) Comin' through!
[02:23.84] STUDENTS
[02:24.04] Harvard's the perfect place for me!
[02:25.44] Pretty impressive, good to know
[02:28.87] Welcome to Harvard
[02:29.93] WARNER
[02:30.18] (spoken) Elle?
[02:30.48] ELLE
[02:31.42] (spoken) Omigod, Warner? I totally forgot you go here!
[00:11.59] 埃米特:
[00:11.79] 大家好,我是埃米特·福瑞斯特
[00:13.68] 欢迎大家来到哈佛法学院神圣的殿堂
[00:17.03] 呃,让我们四处走走,各自介绍一下自己吧
[00:20.71] 艾伦:
[00:20.86] 艾伦·舒尔兹
[00:22.06] 我曾经得过福布莱特奖和罗德奖
[00:24.75] 我曾经写过金融软件的代码
[00:27.55] 但是这些都是我过去享受的东西了
[00:29.95] 一个人又能有多少荣誉和资本炫耀呢?
[00:32.88] 有人说我是个自命不凡的怪胎
[00:35.68] 但是实际上我也没有多努力
[00:38.53] 为什么要虚伪的假装谦虚?
[00:41.22] 哈佛是最适合我的地方
[00:43.57] 学生们:
[00:43.82] 非常令人印象深刻,非常感谢你告诉我
[00:46.77] 欢迎来到哈佛
[00:48.07] 过的怎样?
[00:48.77] 哟!
[00:49.42] 桑迪:
[00:49.62] 桑迪·帕戈拉沃·帕勒马丹,但是你可以叫我“尊贵的殿下”
[00:54.81] 在我们国家
[00:57.27] 我的话就是法律
[01:00.00] 但是后来我逃亡了
[01:02.75] 因为愚蠢的“政治变动”
[01:05.99] 不过我在这里学习
[01:09.12] 交新朋友
[01:11.62] 然后很快就可以回去
[01:13.93] 坐着防弹的梅赛德斯奔驰
[01:16.52] 学生们:
[01:16.77] 非常令人印象深刻,非常感谢你告诉我
[01:19.31] 欢迎来到哈…
[01:20.36] 伊内特:
[01:22.46] 伊内特·霍普斯!
[01:23.06] 我在海外维和部队
[01:23.47] 为难民接种疫苗
[01:24.47] 在我自己从泥泞树丛中
[01:26.56] 建立的家庭诊所里
[01:27.51] 我为了清理他们的泻湖奋斗
[01:28.95] 拯救他们濒临灭绝的潜鸟
[01:29.90] 并且领导了一场反对冷漠无情漫画的游行
[01:33.24] 学生们:
[01:33.59] 非常令人印象深刻,非常感……
[01:34.50] 伊内特:
[01:35.45] 但是现在我走上了法律之路
[01:36.90] 因为这个国家已经乱套了
[01:38.03] 只有女人才有勇气挺身而出,拯救一切
[01:40.25] 我们会让政府重新变得清廉
[01:41.70] 让更多人支持环保
[01:43.50] 团结一致对抗男权中心的战争机器!
[01:45.34] 艾尔:
[01:46.04] 我喜欢你的上衣!很有颓废风!
[01:50.72] 有人知道坎宁汉教授的刑法101教室怎么走吗
[01:53.22] 还有华纳·汉丁顿三世也在
[01:55.61] 埃米特:
[01:55.91] 在豪瑟楼,那边,左边的第二个建筑
[01:59.10] 艾尔:
[01:59.45] 谢谢!
[02:02.05] 艾伦:
[02:02.25] 我曾经得过福布莱特奖和罗德奖
[02:04.59] 我曾经写过金融软件的代码
[02:07.42] 哈佛是最适合我的地方
[02:09.18] 桑迪:
[02:09.47] 在我的国家
[02:09.92] 我的话就是法律
[02:10.42] 哈佛是最适合我的地方
[02:12.27] 伊内特:
[02:12.62] 我在海外维和部队
[02:14.36] 为难民接种疫苗
[02:14.56] 哈佛是最适合我的地方
[02:15.12] 学生们:
[02:15.37] 哈佛是最适合……
[02:15.81] 艾尔:
[02:16.16] 华纳!
[02:16.66] 学生们:
[02:17.21] 哈~~~~~
[02:17.56] 艾尔:
[02:17.76] 不好意思
[02:18.05] 学生们:
[02:18.45] 哈~~~~~
[02:19.61] 艾尔:
[02:20.45] 借过一下
[02:20.65] 学生们:
[02:21.30] 哈~~~~~
[02:22.05] 艾尔:
[02:22.99] 麻烦让一下!
[02:23.84] 学生们:
[02:24.04] 哈佛是最适合我的地方!
[02:25.44] 非常令人印象深刻,非常感谢你告诉我
[02:28.87] 欢迎来到哈佛
[02:29.93] 华纳:
[02:30.18] 艾尔?
[02:30.48] 艾尔:
[02:31.42] 哎呦我天,华纳啊?我都忘了你也来这里了!
The Harvard Variations 歌词
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