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[00:22.900] I can feel it coming over me
[00:25.130] I feel it all around me
[00:27.540] I've been waiting for this moment all my life it's my destiny
[00:31.990] There's a fire deep inside of me
[00:33.940] it's waiting to come out now
[00:36.390] no matter what, no matter how, I know I'll make it through somehow
[00:41.230] cuz when the road feels too long
[00:43.490] I'll still be holding on
[00:45.740] I'm gonna keep on going, I know I'll be strong
[00:49.990] Indestructible
[00:51.990] I wont let nobody break me down
[00:54.669] Indestructible
[00:56.540] nothings gonna stop me now
[00:59.200] Indestructible
[01:01.300] gonna gonna make gonna keep on going
[01:03.529] Indestructible
[01:05.740] the last man standing
[01:08.590] I'm ready for whatever
[01:11.0] I'm never giving up
[01:13.230] nothing can break my spirit
[01:15.130] cuz it's indestructible
[01:22.240] can't explain it, it's incredible
[01:23.789] the strength I feel inside me
[01:27.300] nothing is impossible
[01:28.840] I know I'll find my way
[01:31.490] through a storm through the darkest night
[01:33.390] whatever comes it's alright
[01:36.390] Not gonna turn around I'm ready, for the future now
[01:40.640] and when the road feels too long
[01:42.940] I'll still be holding on
[01:45.229] I'm gonna keep on going, I know I'll be strong
[01:49.580] Indestructible
[01:51.430] I wont let nobody break me down
[01:54.280] Indestructible
[01:56.308] nothings gonna stop me now
[01:58.229] Indestructible
[02:00.820] gonna gonna make gonna keep on going
[02:03.180] Indestructible
[02:05.180] the last man standing
[02:08.300] I'm ready for whatever
[02:10.330] I'm never giving up
[02:12.530] nothing can break my spirit
[02:14.570] cuz it's indestructible
[02:23.800] nothing can break my spirit
[02:24.700] hey nothing can break my spirit, my spirit is too strong
[02:26.400] indestructible nobody is taking over my throne
[02:27.740] muscle my situation I'll make and do it alone
[02:30.550] built from the ground up insider so I last long
[02:32.700] the last man standing on the planet going wild
[02:35.200] Flo Rida beat adversity making that exile
[02:37.200] cause never know what emergency or trouble I just found
[02:39.700] don't even bother hurting me feelings in the clouds
[02:41.550] too hard for me to reach if I could it wouldn't matter
[02:44.350] no helicopter plane or some new infinity ladder
[02:46.500] I was born to contemplate
[02:47.200] I'm a point with like a dagger
[02:48.890] I mean no hard shit cause they on top of my platter!
[02:51.100] So many times I heard they as loud as a bell
[02:53.390] Cause I'm on the ground telling myself I can't fail
[02:55.550] The bottom line my spirit is powerful not frail
[02:57.840] That's all of me can't break it I'm loving it oh yeah
[03:02.666] nothing is impossible
[03:03.922] if you really want it
[03:08.900] and I really want it
[03:10.600] not gonna stop, no matter what, no
[03:13.500] yeah this time, nothing can hold me back, no
[03:18.0] nothing can break me down, my spirit's indestructible
[03:22.135] Indestructible
[03:23.980] I wont let nobody break me down
[03:26.630] Indestructible
[03:28.780] nothings gonna stop me now
[03:31.129] Indestructible
[03:33.399] gonna gonna make gonna keep on going
[03:35.730] Indestructible
[03:37.780] the last man standing
[03:40.329] Indestructible
[03:42.280] I wont let nobody break me down
[03:44.930] Indestructible
[03:47.120] nothings gonna stop me now
[03:49.480] Indestructible
[03:51.430] gonna gonna make gonna keep on going
[03:54.0] Indestructible
[03:55.989] the last man standing
[00:22.900] 近了、更近了!
[00:25.130] 如今就在眼前
[00:27.540] 时不我与,命运印刻!
[00:31.990] 胸中火焰升腾
[00:33.940] 正待此时喷薄
[00:36.390] 无论如何,我坚持过
[00:41.230] 即便道途远坷
[00:43.490] 我亦无悔守握
[00:45.740] 前行、前行吧!我已足够强大
[00:49.990] 牢不可破
[00:51.990] 世上无人击倒我
[00:54.669] 稳如泰山
[00:56.540] 意志从来不屈弯
[00:59.200] 坚不可摧
[01:01.300] 前行未曾中断过
[01:03.529] 固若金汤
[01:05.740] 一夫当关万夫折!
[01:08.590] 无论如何,我心透彻
[01:11.0] 永不弃舍
[01:13.230] 任尔东西南北风
[01:15.130] 心如铁兮不可摧!
[01:22.240] 强大无须赘言注解
[01:23.789] 因它来自心头火焰
[01:27.300] 能化腐朽为奇崛
[01:28.840] 能解我举生疑惑
[01:31.490] 照澈长夜如白昼
[01:33.390] 穿越风雨至通途
[01:36.390] 胜利遥遥在望,何须回头他顾?
[01:40.640] 即便远坷道路
[01:42.940] 我亦无悔守握
[01:45.229] 前行、前行吧!我已足够强大
[01:49.580] 牢不可破
[01:51.430] 世上无人击倒我
[01:54.280] 稳如泰山
[01:56.308] 意志从来不屈弯
[01:58.229] 坚不可摧
[02:00.820] 前行未曾中断过
[02:03.180] 固若金汤
[02:05.180] 一夫当关万夫折!
[02:08.300] 无论如何,我心透彻
[02:10.330] 永不弃舍
[02:12.530] 任尔东西南北风
[02:14.570] 虽千万人
[02:23.800] 虽千万事
[02:24.700] 心如铁兮不可摧!(兮=hey 译者注)
[02:26.400] 雄关漫道真如铁
[02:27.740] 而今迈步从头越!
[02:30.550] 身如磐石拔地起
[02:32.700] 山陵崩塌不改色!
[02:35.200] 夸父逐日饮江河
[02:37.200] 前路艰辛知不知?
[02:39.700] 虽九死其犹未悔!
[02:41.550] 身临险地且无惧
[02:44.350] 志在九天龙潜渊
[02:46.500] 生来即能善思
[02:47.200] 愿做尖刀利刃
[02:48.890] 斩尽诸般邪戾
[02:51.100] 内心呼唤炸响
[02:53.390] 意志始终刚强
[02:55.550] 灵魂火焰升腾
[02:57.840] 我是自己的王!
[03:02.666] 凡你我心之所向
[03:03.922] 刀兵所指
[03:08.900] 必当披靡
[03:10.600] 永无止境!
[03:13.500] 今日长缨在手,
[03:18.0] 何时缚住苍龙!
[03:22.135] 牢不可破
[03:23.980] 世上无人击倒我
[03:26.630] 稳如泰山
[03:28.780] 意志从来不屈弯
[03:31.129] 坚不可摧
[03:33.399] 前行未曾中断过
[03:35.730] 固若金汤
[03:37.780] 一夫当关万夫折!
[03:40.329] 牢不可破
[03:42.280] 世上无人击倒我
[03:44.930] 稳如泰山
[03:47.120] 意志从来不屈弯
[03:49.480] 坚不可摧
[03:51.430] 前行未曾中断过
[03:54.0] 固若金汤
[03:55.989] 一夫当关万夫折!
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