My Dead Gay Son

My Dead Gay Son 歌词

歌曲 My Dead Gay Son
歌手 Kevin Murphy
歌手 Laurence O'Keefe
专辑 Heathers The Musical (World Premiere Cast Recording)
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[00:00.24][RAM'S DAD:]
[00:00.31] You wait just a minute, Paul!
[00:02.14] It is ignorant, hateful talk like yours that makes this world a place our boys could not live in!
[00:07.65] They were not dirty!
[00:09.70] They were not wrong!
[00:11.90] They were two lonely verses
[00:17.16] In the Lord's great song!
[00:19.12][KURT'S DAD:]
[00:19.42] Our boys were pansies, Bill!
[00:21.33][RAM'S DAD:]
[00:21.33] Yes!
[00:22.53] My boy's a *******ual
[00:25.38] And that don't scare me none...
[00:28.88] I want the world to know...
[00:34.00] I love my dead gay son!
[00:36.90] I've been thinking. Praying. Reading some magazines.
[00:39.97] And it's time we opened our eyes!
[00:43.00] Well, the good Lord made the universe
[00:44.96] The Lord created man
[00:46.87] And I believe it's all a part of his gigantic plan
[00:51.01] I know God has a reason
[00:52.54] For each mountain and each flower
[00:55.19] And why he chose to let our boys get busy in the shower!
[01:00.39] They were not dirty..
[01:02.29] They were not fruits!
[01:04.35] They were just two stray laces in the Lord's big boots
[01:08.41] Well, I never cared for homos much until I reared me one
[01:12.80] But now I've learned to love...
[01:15.79] I love my dead gay son!
[01:17.94] He loves his son
[01:18.63] He loves his son
[01:19.27] His dead gay son!
[01:20.40] Now, I say my boy's in heaven!
[01:22.63] And he's tanning by the pool
[01:24.74] The cherubim walk with him and him, and Jesus says it's cool!
[01:28.77] They don't have crime or hatred, there's no bigotry or cursin'..
[01:32.46] Just friendly fellows dressed up like their fav'rite Village Person!
[01:38.18] They were not dirty..
[01:39.59] No, no!
[01:40.63] They just had flair!
[01:41.70] Whoa!
[01:42.49] They were two bright red ribbons in the Lord's long hair
[01:46.69] Well, I used to see a homo and go reachin' for my gun
[01:50.59] But now I've learned to love...
[01:53.76] And furthermore!
[01:54.71] These boys were brave as hell!
[01:56.76] These boys, they knew damn well!
[01:58.85] Those folks would judge 'em, they were desperate to be free!
[02:02.80] They took a rebel stance, stripped to their underpants!
[02:07.20] Paul, I can't believe that you
[02:09.23] Still refuse to get a clue
[02:10.96] After all that we been through..
[02:12.67] I'm talkin' you and me!
[02:14.78] In the summer of '83!
[02:18.91][KURT'S DAD:]
[02:19.51] That was one hell of a fishing trip
[02:24.45] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
[02:26.11] Whoa, whoa, whoa!
[02:27.38] They were not dirty..
[02:28.43] Whoa!
[02:29.30] And not perverse..
[02:30.76] No, no!
[02:31.33] They were just two stray rhinestones
[02:33.44] On the Lord's big purse!
[02:35.41] Our job is now continuing the work that they begun!
[02:39.14] 'Cause now we love, love, love!
[02:42.55] We love your dead..
[02:43.76] They're up there disco dancing to the thump of angel wings!
[02:46.94] They grab a mate...
[02:47.89] And roller skate..
[02:48.89] While Judy Garland sings!
[02:50.87] They live a playful afterlife that's fancy-free and reckless!
[02:54.77] They swing upon the pearly gates..
[02:56.72] And wear a pearly necklace!
[02:59.84] Whoo!
[03:00.39] They were not dirty!
[03:01.99] No!
[03:02.60] They were good men!
[03:04.45] And now they're happy bear cubs in the Lord's big den!
[03:09.69] Go forth and love each other now
[03:12.64] Like our boys would have done
[03:16.65] We'll teach the world to love...
[03:23.11] I love my dead gay son!
[03:24.48] Not half bad, your dead gay son!
[03:25.80] My son!
[03:26.46] Wish I had your dead gay son!
[03:27.25] My son!
[03:28.16] Thank you, dad, for your...
[03:29.57] Dead! Gay! Son!
[00:00.31] 你们给我等一下,保罗!
[00:02.14] 这实在是太愚蠢了,就是像你这种出言不逊的人让我们儿子都不想活下去了
[00:07.65] 他们才不肮脏!
[00:09.70] 他们才不是异类!
[00:11.90] 他们只是在上帝的圣颂中
[00:17.16] 无和音援助的两段悲歌
[00:19.42] 我们的儿子在搞基啊!比尔!
[00:21.33] 没错!
[00:22.53] 我的儿子是同性恋
[00:25.38] 但这并不让我惧怕他
[00:28.88] 我现在向全世界宣告
[00:34.00] 我爱我的死基佬儿子
[00:36.90] 我一直在思考,祈祷。阅读相关杂志。
[00:39.97] 现在是时候让我们面对事实了!
[00:43.00] 没错,在世界之初,主创造了宇宙
[00:44.96] 主创造了男人
[00:46.87] 而且我相信一切都是为了更伟大的计划而存在的
[00:51.01] 我知道主的做一切都有因
[00:52.54] 每一座山,每一棵花草都出自有因
[00:55.19] 就连他让咋们的儿子在喷淋室中搞基也事必有因
[01:00.39] 他们才不肮脏!
[01:02.29] 他们才不是堕落的禁果
[01:04.35] 他们只是上帝的巨靴上的两条弯弯曲曲的小鞋带
[01:08.41] 我知道,在我发现自己养了个同性恋之前我都没在意过那些基佬
[01:12.80] 但现在我学会了关爱
[01:15.79] 我爱我的死基佬儿子
[01:17.94] 父爱如山
[01:18.63] 父爱如山
[01:19.27] 爱死那个基佬儿子
[01:20.40] 我猜,我们的儿子现在一定在天堂!
[01:22.63] 他们肯定在泳池旁做美黑
[01:24.74] 基路伯将会与他同行,耶稣老爷都得说一声好!
[01:28.77] 在那他们不会被当做罪犯也不会被仇恨,在那里他们不会被歧视也不会被诅咒
[01:32.46] 只有一群喜欢扮装翻成最喜欢的Village Person乐队成员的同村汉(其实是Village People,唱YMCA那个)
[01:38.18] 他们才不肮脏!
[01:39.59] 不脏!不脏!
[01:40.63] 他们只是独具风骚
[01:41.70] 哇哦!
[01:42.49] 他们只是主仁慈的长发上绑起小辫辫的红丝带
[01:46.69] 曾经,我见过一个基佬但我干的第一件事就是找枪射他
[01:50.59] 但现在我学会了要有爱...
[01:53.76] 不止这些!
[01:54.71] 这两个男孩,他们勇气可嘉
[01:56.76] 这两个男孩,他们悉知前路
[01:58.85] 那些七嘴八舌的路人,未来将绝望地寻求救赎
[02:02.80] 他们迈出了反抗的第一步,他们脱剩了小内裤
[02:07.20] 保罗,我真不懂你
[02:09.23] 到现在都还没懂我意思
[02:10.96] 我们经历了那么多...
[02:12.67] 你没听出来我在说我和你吗!
[02:14.78] 就在83年的那个夏天!
[02:19.51] 那次的钓鱼之旅可真没法说
[02:24.45] 哇哦!哇哦!哇哦!哇哦!
[02:26.11] 哇哦!哇哦!哇哦!
[02:27.38] 他们才不肮脏!
[02:28.43] 哇哦!
[02:29.30] 他们才不是变态!
[02:30.76] 不是!不是!
[02:31.33] 他们只是主的小包包上的
[02:33.44] 两颗人造小水钻!
[02:35.41] 我们现在的使命就是要继续他们创下来的事业!
[02:39.14] 因为我们需要更多的关爱,关爱关爱!
[02:42.55] 我们都爱你那...
[02:43.76] 他们在上头靠着天使拍翼的节奏蹦着迪斯科
[02:46.94] 他们在上面结朋识友
[02:47.89] 他们在上面滑溜冰
[02:48.89] 拿着Judy Graland的歌声当背景音!
[02:50.87] 他们在死后的世界过得幸福愉快想要爱谁就爱谁
[02:54.77] 他们坐上了直通天堂门前的班车
[02:56.72] 互相给对方脖子上射点珍珠项链当礼物
[02:59.84] 呜呜
[03:00.39] 他们才不肮脏!
[03:01.99] 不脏!
[03:02.60] 他们都是好人!
[03:04.45] 现在他们成为了上帝的圣殿中两只快快乐乐地搞基的小熊崽
[03:09.69] 现在,勇敢地爱你喜欢的人吧
[03:12.64] 就像我们的儿子一样
[03:16.65] 我们可以教育这个世界学会关爱
[03:23.11] 就像我爱我的死基佬儿子
[03:24.48] 就像我的死基佬儿子
[03:25.80] 我的基佬儿子!
[03:26.46] 我也希望有你那样的死基佬儿子!
[03:27.25] 我的基佬儿子!
[03:28.16] 谢谢你,这位爸爸,谢谢你的...
[03:29.57] 死!基佬!儿子!
My Dead Gay Son 歌词
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