Primer Tono (Authentus Protus) (Introito: Statuit Ei Dominus) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Segundo Tono (Plagis Protus) (Ofertorio: Benedicite Gentes / Versiculo: Lubilate Deo Omnis Terra / Versiculo: In Multitudine) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Tercer Tono (Authentus Deuterus) (Introito: Tibi Dixit) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Cuarto Tono (Plagis Deuterus) (Introito: Reminiscere Miserationum) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Cuarto Tono (Plagis Deuterus) (Alleluia / Versiculo: Excita Domine / Prosa: Qui Regis Sceptra) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Quinto Tono (Authentus Tritus) (Introito: Circumdederunt Me Gemitus Mortis) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Sexto Tono (Plagis Tritus) (Ofertorio: Domine, In Auxilium / Versiculo: Avertantur Retrorsum) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Séptimo Tono (Authentus Tetrardus) (Introito: Viri Galilei) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Séptimo Tono (Authentus Tetrardus) (Alleluia / Versiculo: Pascha Nostrum / Versiculo: Epulemur) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Octavo Tono (Plagis Tetrardus) (Tracto: Adtende Celum) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Segundo Tono (Plagis Protus) (Introito: Dominus Illuminacio Mea) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Tercer Tono (Authentus Deuterus) (Ofertorio: Filie Regum / Versiculo: Eructavit Cor Meum / Versiculo: Virga Recta Est) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Sexto Tono (Plagis Tritus) (Introito: In Medio Ecclesie) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Octavo Tono (Plagis Tetrardus) (Introito: Domine Ne Longe) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)