Nativitas Domini - Solennita del Natale: Tui Sunt Caeli
Enrico De Capitani
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant: Nativitas Domini
Nativitas Domini - Solennita del Natale: Sanctus. Admirabilis Splendor
Enrico De Capitani
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant: Nativitas Domini
Nativitas Domini - Solennita del Natale: Kyrie. Auctor Caelorum
Enrico De Capitani
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant: Nativitas Domini
Nativitas Domini - Solennita del Natale: In Principio Erat Verbum
Enrico De Capitani
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant: Nativitas Domini
Nativitas Domini - Solennita del Natale: Christi Hodierna
Enrico De Capitani
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant: Nativitas Domini
Nativitas Domini - Solennita del Natale: Alleluia. Dies Sanctificatus
Enrico De Capitani
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant: Nativitas Domini
Nativitas Domini - Solennita del Natale: Agnus Dei. Adsis Placatus
Enrico De Capitani
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant: Nativitas Domini
Nativitas Domini - Solennita del Natale: Iudicii Signum
Enrico De Capitani
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant: Nativitas Domini
Nativitas Domini - Solennita del Natale: Gratuletur Omnis Caro
Enrico De Capitani
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant: Nativitas Domini
Nativitas Domini - Solennita del Natale: Gloria. Quem Patris Ad Dextram
Enrico De Capitani
Gregorian Chant
Gregorian Chant: Nativitas Domini
Procedentem sponsum
Gregorian Chant
Schola Hungarica
Instant Classical Culture
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Klaszczmy rekoma
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Laudate Dominum
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Te Deum
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Ave verum
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Agnus Dei
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Pater noster
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Niescie chwale mocarze
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Oto jest dzien
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Ubi Caritas
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Milosierny Pan
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Christus Vincit
Gregorian Chant
Missa Orbis Factor
Wiegenlied, Pt. 2
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Incipit, Pt. 5
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Aeterna Veritas, Pt. 1
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Navis amoris für die Konzentration und Meditation, Pt. 3
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Ab Aeterno, Pt. 1
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Rumores Volant
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Viva Voce
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Orationem Gregoriana
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Serio Dicere, Pt. 1
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Dictum, Pt. 4
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Fons Vitae, Pt. 2
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Dulcis Domus, Pt. 2
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Obesa Cantavit
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Novus Homo
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Mittelalterliche Musik
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Gregorian Chant
Church Music & Religious Songs with Gregorian Chants for Devoted People
Traditor Autem- Benedictus (Antífona Modo I Cántico)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Improperium (Ofertorio Modo VIII)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Pueri Hebraeorum Portantes (Antífona Modo I)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Verbum Caro Factum Est Responsorio Modo VIII)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Christe Redemptor (Himno Modo I)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Alleluia, Dies Sanctificatus (Modo II)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Salve Regina, Solemne (Antífona Modo I)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
De Profundis (Ofertorio Modo II)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Veni Sancte Spiritus (Secuencia Modo I)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Gloria XV (Modo IV)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Jacta Cogitatum Tuum (Gradual Modo VII)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Pange Lingua Gloriosi (Mimno Mode IV)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Christus Factus Est Pro Nobis (Gradual Modo V)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
A Solis Ortus Cardine (Himno Mode III)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Laetatus Sum, (Gradual Mode VII)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Kyrie Fons Bonitatis (Tropo Mode III)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Genuit Puerpera Regem (Antífona y Salmo 99 Modo II)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Puer Natus Est Nobis (Introito Modo VII)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Hosanna Filio David (Antífona Modo VII)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Christus Natus (Invitatorio Modo IV)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Puer Natus in Bethlehem (Ritmo Modo I)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Salve, Festa Dies (Himno Modo IV)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Kyrie XI, A (Modo I)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Nos Autem (Introito Modo IV)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Media Vita in Morte Sumus (Responsorio Mode IV)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Mandatum Novum Do Vobis (Antifonía y Salmo 132 Modo III)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Spiritus Domini (Introito Mode VIII)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Os Iusti (Gradual Mode I)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Alleluia, Beatus Vir Qui Suffert (ModoI I)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Veni Creator Spiritus (Himno Modo VIII)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Occuli Omnium (Gradual Modo VII)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Ave Mundi Spes Maria (Secuencia Modos VII y VIII)
Gregorian Chant
Golden Selection
Octavo Tono (Plagis Tetrardus) (Introito: Domine Ne Longe) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Sexto Tono (Plagis Tritus) (Introito: In Medio Ecclesie) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Tercer Tono (Authentus Deuterus) (Ofertorio: Filie Regum / Versiculo: Eructavit Cor Meum / Versiculo: Virga Recta Est) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Segundo Tono (Plagis Protus) (Introito: Dominus Illuminacio Mea) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Octavo Tono (Plagis Tetrardus) (Tracto: Adtende Celum) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Séptimo Tono (Authentus Tetrardus) (Alleluia / Versiculo: Pascha Nostrum / Versiculo: Epulemur) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Séptimo Tono (Authentus Tetrardus) (Introito: Viri Galilei) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Sexto Tono (Plagis Tritus) (Ofertorio: Domine, In Auxilium / Versiculo: Avertantur Retrorsum) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Quinto Tono (Authentus Tritus) (Introito: Circumdederunt Me Gemitus Mortis) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Cuarto Tono (Plagis Deuterus) (Alleluia / Versiculo: Excita Domine / Prosa: Qui Regis Sceptra) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Cuarto Tono (Plagis Deuterus) (Introito: Reminiscere Miserationum) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Tercer Tono (Authentus Deuterus) (Introito: Tibi Dixit) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Segundo Tono (Plagis Protus) (Ofertorio: Benedicite Gentes / Versiculo: Lubilate Deo Omnis Terra / Versiculo: In Multitudine) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)
Primer Tono (Authentus Protus) (Introito: Statuit Ei Dominus) (Remastered)
Gregorian Chant
The Best of Gregorian Chant (Chanto Gregoriano)