Cloe Elmo



歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Tutto nel mondo è burla Leonard Warren Giuseppe Di Stefano Cloe Elmo Regina Resnik Lorenzo Alvary Martha Lipton Alessio De Paolis Licia Albanese Giuseppe Valdengo Leslie Chabay Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Alto là! Chi va là! Alessio De Paolis Lorenzo Alvary Leonard Warren Cloe Elmo Regina Resnik Licia Albanese Martha Lipton Giuseppe Valdengo Leslie Chabay Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Dal labbro il canto estasiato vola Giuseppe Di Stefano Licia Albanese Regina Resnik Cloe Elmo Martha Lipton Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Brava! Quelle corna saranno la mia gioia! Giuseppe Valdengo Regina Resnik Martha Lipton Giuseppe Di Stefano Licia Albanese Leslie Chabay Cloe Elmo Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Mia signora Cloe Elmo Leonard Warren Regina Resnik Martha Lipton Giuseppe Valdengo Alessio De Paolis Lorenzo Alvary Licia Albanese Giuseppe Di Stefano Leslie Chabay Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Olà! Ned! Will! Regina Resnik Cloe Elmo Licia Albanese Martha Lipton Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Udrai quanta egli sfoggia magniloquenza altera Alessio De Paolis Giuseppe Valdengo Lorenzo Alvary Leslie Chabay Regina Resnik Licia Albanese Martha Lipton Cloe Elmo Giuseppe Di Stefano Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: In due parole Lorenzo Alvary Leslie Chabay Giuseppe Valdengo Alessio De Paolis Giuseppe Di Stefano Licia Albanese Regina Resnik Martha Lipton Cloe Elmo Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Alice ... Meg ... Nanetta Martha Lipton Regina Resnik Cloe Elmo Licia Albanese Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Ogni sorta di gente dozzinale Leonard Warren Regina Resnik Martha Lipton Cloe Elmo Giuseppe Valdengo Lorenzo Alvary Leslie Chabay Alessio De Paolis Giuseppe Di Stefano Licia Albanese Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Reverenza Cloe Elmo Leonard Warren Regina Resnik Giuseppe Valdengo Licia Albanese Martha Lipton Leslie Chabay Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: C'è... C'è... Se t'agguanto! Giuseppe Valdengo Leslie Chabay Cloe Elmo Martha Lipton Alessio De Paolis Lorenzo Alvary Leonard Warren Giuseppe Di Stefano Licia Albanese Regina Resnik Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Alfin t'ho colto raggiante fior Leonard Warren Regina Resnik Cloe Elmo Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Presenteremo un bill per una tassa al parlamento Regina Resnik Cloe Elmo Martha Lipton Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Siam pentiti e contriti Alessio De Paolis Lorenzo Alvary Leonard Warren Cloe Elmo Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Falstaff m'ha canzonata Regina Resnik Martha Lipton Licia Albanese Cloe Elmo Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: "Fulgida Alice! Amor t'offro..." Martha Lipton Regina Resnik Cloe Elmo Licia Albanese Leslie Chabay Alessio De Paolis Giuseppe Di Stefano Lorenzo Alvary Giuseppe Valdengo Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera 歌词