La Traviata - Highlights:Act I: Prelude
Ettore Panizza
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act I: Che è ciò?
Rosa Ponselle
Elda Vettori
Frederick Jagel
Angelo Bada
Alfredo Gandolfi
Millo Picco
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act I: Follie! Follie!..Sempre libera
Rosa Ponselle
Frederick Jagel
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act II: Pura siccome un angelo
Lawrence Tibbett
Rosa Ponselle
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act II: Imponete
Rosa Ponselle
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act II: Ah, vive sol quel core
Frederick Jagel
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act II: Di Provenza il mar, il suol
Lawrence Tibbett
Frederick Jagel
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act III: Avrem lieta di maschere la notte
Elda Vettori
Millo Picco
Paolo Ananian
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act III: Alfredo! Voi!
Elda Vettori
Angelo Bada
Paolo Ananian
Millo Picco
Frederick Jagel
Rosa Ponselle
Alfredo Gandolfi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act III: Invitato a qui seguirmi
Rosa Ponselle
Frederick Jagel
Elda Vettori
Angelo Bada
Alfredo Gandolfi
Paolo Ananian
Millo Picco
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act III: Di sprezzo degno se stesso rende
Lawrence Tibbett
Frederick Jagel
Elda Vettori
Angelo Bada
Alfredo Gandolfi
Paolo Ananian
Millo Picco
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act III: Alfredo, Alfredo, di questo core
Rosa Ponselle
Elda Vettori
Frederick Jagel
Angelo Bada
Alfredo Gandolfi
Paolo Ananian
Millo Picco
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act IV: Ah, Violetta?
Lawrence Tibbett
Rosa Ponselle
Frederick Jagel
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act IV: Prendi, quest'è l'immagine
Rosa Ponselle
Frederick Jagel
Lawrence Tibbett
Henriette Wakefield
Paolo Ananian
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act I: Inaffia l'ugola!
Lawrence Tibbett
Alessio De Paolis
Giordano Paltrinieri
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act I: Capitano, v'attende la fazione ai baluardi
George Cehanovsky
Alessio De Paolis
Lawrence Tibbett
Giordano Paltrinieri
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act II: Ciò m'accora - Che parli?
Lawrence Tibbett
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act II: Éra la notte, Cassio dormia
Lawrence Tibbett
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act II: Sì, pel ciel marmoreo giuro!
Giovanni Martinelli
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act III: La vedetta del porto ha segnalato
Wilfred Engelman
Giovanni Martinelli
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act III: Dio to giocondi, o sposo
Elisabeth Rethberg
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act III: Dio! Mi potevi scagliar tutti i mali
Giovanni Martinelli
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act III: Vieni, l'aula è deserta
Lawrence Tibbett
Alessio De Paolis
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act III: Quest'è il segnale
Lawrence Tibbett
Alessio De Paolis
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act III: Il Doge ed il Senato salutano
Nicola Moscona
Giovanni Martinelli
Elisabeth Rethberg
Thelma Votipka
Lawrence Tibbett
Giordano Paltrinieri
Alessio De Paolis
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act III: A terra!...sì...nel livido fango
Elisabeth Rethberg
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act IV: Ave Maria piena di grazia
Elisabeth Rethberg
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act IV: Chi è là? Otello?
Elisabeth Rethberg
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act IV: Diceste questa sera le vostre preci?
Giovanni Martinelli
Elisabeth Rethberg
Thelma Votipka
Alessio De Paolis
Lawrence Tibbett
Nicola Moscona
George Cehanovsky
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act IV: Niun mi tema
Giovanni Martinelli
Alessio De Paolis
Nicola Moscona
George Cehanovsky
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Prelude
Ettore Panizza
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Posa in pace, a' bei sogni ristora
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: S'avanza il Conte - La rivedrà nell'estasi
Stella Andreva
Jussi Björling
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Il cenno mio di là con essi attendi
Jussi Björling
Stella Andreva
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Volta la terrea
Stella Andreva
John Carter
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Zitti...l'incanto non dèssi turbare - Re dell'abisso, affrettati
Bruna Castagna
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Su, profetessa - Di' tu se fedele
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Stella Andreva
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Chi voi siate
Bruna Castagna
Jussi Björling
Norman Cordon
Stella Andreva
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: È scherzo od è follia
Jussi Björling
Bruna Castagna
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Stella Andreva
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Prelude
Ettore Panizza
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Ma dall'arido stelo divulsa
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Oh qual soave brivido
Jussi Björling
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Ahimè! S'appressa alcun! - Odi tu come fremono
Zinka Milanov
Jussi Björling
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Seguitemi
Alexander Sved
Zinka Milanov
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Eri tu che macchiavi
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: E chi vien? Tu?
Alexander Sved
Zinka Milanov
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Il messaggio entri - Ah! Di che fulgor
Alexander Sved
Stella Andreva
Zinka Milanov
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Forse la soglia attinse ... Ma se m'è forza perderti
Jussi Björling
Stella Andreva
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Fervono amori e danze
Norman Cordon
Alexander Sved
Nicola Moscona
Stella Andreva
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Ella è pura: in braccio a morte
Jussi Björling
Zinka Milanov
Stella Andreva
Alexander Sved
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Gran nuova! Gran nuova!
George Cehanovsky
Richard Manning
Jussi Björling
Leonard Warren
John Baker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Ch'io gli parli - Oh tu che la festa audace hai turbato
William Hargrave
Jussi Björling
Leonard Warren
George Cehanovsky
Richard Manning
John Baker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Quel vecchio maledivami!
Leonard Warren
Norman Cordon
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Pari siamo!
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Figlia! Mio padre! - Deh non parlare al misero
Leonard Warren
Bidu Sayao
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Che m'ami, deh! Ripetimi - Addio, addio speranza ed anima
Bidu Sayao
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Gualtier Maldè! - Caro nome che il mio cor
Bidu Sayao
Richard Manning
John Baker
George Cehanovsky
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Riedo!... Perchè?
Leonard Warren
Richard Manning
John Baker
George Cehanovsky
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Zitti, zitti moviamo a vendetta
Richard Manning
George Cehanovsky
John Baker
Bidu Sayao
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act II: Ella mi fu rapita!... Parmi veder le lagrime
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act II: Duca, duca! - Scorrendo uniti remota via
George Cehanovsky
Richard Manning
John Baker
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act II: Povero Rigoletto!
George Cehanovsky
Leonard Warren
Richard Manning
John Baker
Thelma Altman
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act II: Cortigiani, vil razza dannata
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act II: Mio padre! - Dio! Mia Gilda!
Bidu Sayao
Leonard Warren
George Cehanovsky
Richard Manning
John Baker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act II: Parla siam soli - Tutte le feste al tempio
Leonard Warren
Bidu Sayao
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act III: E l'ami? - Sempre
Leonard Warren
Bidu Sayao
Jussi Björling
Norman Cordon
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act III: La donna è mobile
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act III: Ah piu non ragiono
Bidu Sayao
Martha Lipton
Norman Cordon
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act III: Chi e mai, chi e qui in sua vece?- V'ho ingannato...
Leonard Warren
Bidu Sayao
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Falstaff! Olà!
Leslie Chabay
Leonard Warren
Alessio De Paolis
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: "Fulgida Alice! Amor t'offro..."
Martha Lipton
Regina Resnik
Cloe Elmo
Licia Albanese
Leslie Chabay
Alessio De Paolis
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Lorenzo Alvary
Giuseppe Valdengo
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Falstaff m'ha canzonata
Regina Resnik
Martha Lipton
Licia Albanese
Cloe Elmo
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Torno all'assalto
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Licia Albanese
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Siam pentiti e contriti
Alessio De Paolis
Lorenzo Alvary
Leonard Warren
Cloe Elmo
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Alice è mia!
Leonard Warren
Alessio De Paolis
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Signore, v'assista il cielo
Giuseppe Valdengo
Leonard Warren
Alessio De Paolis
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: C'è a Windsor una dama
Giuseppe Valdengo
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: È sogno? O realtà...
Giuseppe Valdengo
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Presenteremo un bill per una tassa al parlamento
Regina Resnik
Cloe Elmo
Martha Lipton
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Alfin t'ho colto raggiante fior
Leonard Warren
Regina Resnik
Cloe Elmo
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: C'è... C'è... Se t'agguanto!
Giuseppe Valdengo
Leslie Chabay
Cloe Elmo
Martha Lipton
Alessio De Paolis
Lorenzo Alvary
Leonard Warren
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Licia Albanese
Regina Resnik
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Reverenza
Cloe Elmo
Leonard Warren
Regina Resnik
Giuseppe Valdengo
Licia Albanese
Martha Lipton
Leslie Chabay
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Una, due, tre
Leonard Warren
Regina Resnik
Martha Lipton
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Ogni sorta di gente dozzinale
Leonard Warren
Regina Resnik
Martha Lipton
Cloe Elmo
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Leslie Chabay
Alessio De Paolis
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Licia Albanese
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Prologue: Suona ogni labbro il mio nome
Fritz Stiedry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Prologue: Del mar sul lido fra gente ostile
Leonard Warren
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Come in quest'ora bruna
Astrid Varnay
Fritz Stiedry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Cielo di stelle orbato...Vieni a mirar la cerula
Richard Tucker
Astrid Varnay
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Il Doge vien...Dinne, perchè in quest'eremo
Richard Tucker
Mihaly Szekely
Leonard Warren
Giuseppe Valdengo
Astrid Varnay
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Orfanella il tetto umile
Astrid Varnay
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Dinne...alcun là non vedesti?...Figlia! a tal nome io palpito
Leonard Warren
Astrid Varnay
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Messeri, il re di Tartaria
Leonard Warren
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Ecco la spada...In te risiede l'austero dritto popolar
Richard Tucker
Leonard Warren
Giuseppe Valdengo
Astrid Varnay
Mihaly Szekely
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act II: Quei due vedesti?
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act II: Udisti? - O inferno!..Sento avvampar nell'anima
Giuseppe Valdengo
Richard Tucker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act II: Tu qui? - Amelia!..Parla, in tuo cor virgineo
Astrid Varnay
Richard Tucker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act II: Figlia? - Si afflitto, padre mio?
Leonard Warren
Astrid Varnay
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act II: Perdon, perdon, Amelia
Richard Tucker
Leonard Warren
Astrid Varnay
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Cittadini! Per ordine del Doge
Leonard Warren
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Delle faci festani al barlume
Mihaly Szekely
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Piango, perchè mi parla
Mihaly Szekely
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Chi veggo! - Vien
Astrid Varnay
Leonard Warren
Richard Tucker
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Gran Dio, li benedici
Leonard Warren
Astrid Varnay
Richard Tucker
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act I: Temea restasse qui fino a domani
Laura Castellano
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act I: Pronti destrieri di già ne attendono
Fritz Stiedry
Richard Tucker
Zinka Milanov
Laura Castellano
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act I: È tardi...Vil seduttor!
Zinka Milanov
Richard Tucker
Laura Castellano
Luben Vichey
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act II: Son giunta! - Madre, pietosa Vergine
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act II: Chi mi cerca? ... Più tranquilla l'alma sento dacchè premo questa terra
Jerome Hines
Zinka Milanov
Gerhard Pechner
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act II: A te sia gloria
Jerome Hines
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act II: La Vergine degli angeli
Gerhard Pechner
Jerome Hines
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Attenti al gioco
Fritz Stiedry
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: La vita è inferno all'infelice
Richard Tucker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Oh, tu che in seno agli angeli
Richard Tucker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Piano...Qui posi...approntisi il mio letto
Leonard Warren
Algerd Brazis
Richard Tucker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Solenne in quest'ora
Richard Tucker
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Morir! Tremenda cosa!
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: E s'altra prova rinvenir potessi?
Leonard Warren
Algerd Brazis
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: No, d'un imene il vincolo
Richard Tucker
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Nella guerra è la follia
Mildred Miller
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act IV: Giunge qualcun...aprite
Jerome Hines
Leonard Warren
Gerhard Pechner
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act IV: Invano Alvaro ti celasti al mondo
Leonard Warren
Richard Tucker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act IV: Le minaccie, i fieri accenti
Richard Tucker
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act IV: Io muojo! Confessione!
Leonard Warren
Richard Tucker
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act IV: Non imprecare, umiliati
Jerome Hines
Zinka Milanov
Richard Tucker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Che faceste? Dite su!
Erich Leinsdorf
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Giorno non vidi mai sì fiero e bello!
Leonard Warren
Jerome Hines
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Due vaticini compiuti or sono
Leonard Warren
Jerome Hines
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Nel dì della vittoria io le incontrai...
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Vieni! t'affretta!
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Al cader della sera il Re qui giunge ... Or tutti sorgete
Leonie Rysanek
Harold Sternberg
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Sappia la sposa mia
Leonard Warren
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Fatal mia donna!
Leonard Warren
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Di destarlo per tempo il re m'impose
Carlo Bergonzi
Jerome Hines
Leonie Rysanek
Carlotta Ordassy
Leonard Warren
William Olvis
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act II: La luce langue
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act II: Chi v'impose unirvi a noi?
Erich Leinsdorf
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act II: Salve, o Re!
Leonard Warren
Leonie Rysanek
Carlotta Ordassy
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act II: Si colmi il calice di vibo eletto
Leonie Rysanek
Carlotta Ordassy
Carlo Bergonzi
Leonard Warren
Osie Hawkins
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act II: Voi siete demente!
Leonie Rysanek
Leonard Warren
Carlotta Ordassy
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act III: Che fate voi, misteriose donne?
Leonard Warren
Calvin Marsh
Emilia Cundari
Mildred Allen
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act III: Qual concento! Parlate!
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act IV: O figli, o figli miei! ... Ah, la paterna mano
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act IV: Dove siam? Che bosco è quello?
William Olvis
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act IV: Una macchia è qui tuttora
Leonie Rysanek
Gerhard Pechner
Carlotta Ordassy
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act IV: Perfidi! All' anglo contro me v'unite
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act IV: Pietà, rispetto, amore
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act IV: Ella è morta!
Leonard Warren
Carlotta Ordassy
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act IV: Mal per me che m'affidai
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act IV: Vittoria! vittoria!
William Olvis
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part I: Gli arredi festive giù cadano infranti
Thomas Schippers
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part I: Sperate, o figli! . . . D'Egitto là sui lidi
Cesare Siepi
Eugenio Fernandi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part I: Fenena! O mia diletta!
Eugenio Fernandi
Rosalind Elias
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part I: Mio furor, non più costretto
Leonie Rysanek
Carlotta Ordassy
Rosalind Elias
Eugenio Fernandi
Cesare Siepi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part II: Ben io t'invenni, o fatal scritto!
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part II: Anch'io dischiuso un giorno
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part II: Chi s'avanza? - Salgo già del trono aurato
Leonie Rysanek
Bonaldo Giaiotti
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part II: Veni, o Levita! - Tu sul labbro
Cesare Siepi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part II: Deh fratelli, perdonate!
Carlotta Ordassy
Cesare Siepi
Rosalind Elias
Eugenio Fernandi
Bonaldo Giaiotti
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part II: S' apressan gl'istanti d'un 'ira fatale
Leonie Rysanek
Eugenio Fernandi
Rosalind Elias
Cesare Siepi
Carlotta Ordassy
Bonaldo Giaiotti
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part II: S'oda or me!
Rosalind Elias
Bonaldo Giaiotti
Cesare Siepi
Leonie Rysanek
Carlotta Ordassy
Eugenio Fernandi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part II: Chi mi toglie il regio scettro?
Cesare Siepi
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part III: Va, pensiero, sull'ali dorate
Thomas Schippers
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part III: Oh, chi piange? - Del futuro nel buio discerno
Cesare Siepi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part III: Donna, chi sei?
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part III: Oh di qual'onta aggravasi
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part IV: Dio di Giuda!
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part IV: Porta fatal, oh t'aprirai!
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part IV: Va! La palma del martirio ... Oh dischiuso è il firmamento!
Cesare Siepi
Rosalind Elias
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part IV: Su me, morente, esanime
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part IV: Ah torna Israello - Immenso Jeovha
Carlotta Ordassy
Rosalind Elias
Eugenio Fernandi
Cesare Siepi
Bonaldo Giaiotti
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Prelude
Thomas Schippers
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act I: Se quel guerrier io fossi! ... Celeste Aida
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act I: Su! del Nilo al sacro lido
Louis Sgarro
Jerome Hines
Leontyne Price
Carlo Bergonzi
Grace Bumbry
Robert Nagy
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act I: Ritorna vincitor!
Leontyne Price
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act I: Possente, possente Fthà
Lilian Sukis
Jerome Hines
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act I: Sacred Dance of the Priestesses
Thomas Schippers
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act II: Chi mai fra gl'inni e i plausi
Grace Bumbry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act II: Gloria all'Egitto
Thomas Schippers
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act II: Che veggo!... Egli?... Mio padre!
Leontyne Price
Grace Bumbry
Robert Merrill
Louis Sgarro
Carlo Bergonzi
Jerome Hines
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act I: Dell'invito trascorsa è già l'ora
Rosa Ponselle
Elda Vettori
Millo Picco
Alfredo Gandolfi
Paolo Ananian
Angelo Bada
Frederick Jagel
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act I: Libiamo
Frederick Jagel
Elda Vettori
Angelo Bada
Paolo Ananian
Millo Picco
Rosa Ponselle
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act I: Un dì felice, eterea
Frederick Jagel
Rosa Ponselle
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act I: Ebben? Che diavol fate?
Angelo Bada
Rosa Ponselle
Frederick Jagel
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act I: Si ridesta in ciel l'aurora
Elda Vettori
Angelo Bada
Alfredo Gandolfi
Paolo Ananian
Millo Picco
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act I: È strano!...Ah, fors'è lui che l'anima
Rosa Ponselle
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act II: Lunge da lei...De' miei bollenti spiriti
Frederick Jagel
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act II: Alfredo? - Per Parigi or or partiva
Rosa Ponselle
Henriette Wakefield
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act II: Non sapete quale affetto
Rosa Ponselle
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act II: Ah! Dite alla giovine
Rosa Ponselle
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act II: Dammi tu forza, o cielo
Rosa Ponselle
Henriette Wakefield
Frederick Jagel
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act III: Noi siamo Zingarelle
Elda Vettori
Millo Picco
Paolo Ananian
Angelo Bada
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act IV: Prelude
Ettore Panizza
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act IV: Annina?
Rosa Ponselle
Henriette Wakefield
Paolo Ananian
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act IV: Teneste la promessa...Addio del passato
Rosa Ponselle
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act IV: Largo al quadrupede
Ettore Panizza
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act IV: Signora...Parigi, o cara, noi lasceremo
Henriette Wakefield
Rosa Ponselle
Frederick Jagel
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Traviata - Highlights:Act IV: Ah non più a un tempio...Ah! gran Dio! Morir sì giovine
Rosa Ponselle
Frederick Jagel
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act I: Una vela! Una vela!
George Cehanovsky
Alessio De Paolis
Lawrence Tibbett
Giordano Paltrinieri
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act I: Esultate! L'orgoglio musulmano sepolto è in mar
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act I: Roderigo, ebben che pensi?
Lawrence Tibbett
Giordano Paltrinieri
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act I: Fuoco di gioia!
Lawrence Tibbett
Alessio De Paolis
Giordano Paltrinieri
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act I: Già nella notte densa
Giovanni Martinelli
Elisabeth Rethberg
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act II: Non ti crucciar
Lawrence Tibbett
Alessio De Paolis
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act II: Credo in un Dio crudel
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act II: Dove guardi splendono raggi
Elisabeth Rethberg
Giovanni Martinelli
Lawrence Tibbett
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act II: D'un uom che geme sotto il tuo disdegno
Elisabeth Rethberg
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act II: Se inconscia, contro te, sposo, ho peccato
Elisabeth Rethberg
Giovanni Martinelli
Lawrence Tibbett
Thelma Votipka
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act II: Tu?! Indietro! Fuggi!! ... Ora e per sempre addio
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act III: Esterrefatta fisso
Elisabeth Rethberg
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act III: Quell'innocente un fremito
Thelma Votipka
Alessio De Paolis
Giordano Paltrinieri
Nicola Moscona
Elisabeth Rethberg
Lawrence Tibbett
Giovanni Martinelli
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Otello - Highlights:Act IV: Era più calmo?
Thelma Votipka
Elisabeth Rethberg
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Alla vita che t'arride
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Il primo giudice
Stella Andreva
John Carter
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Signori, oggi d'Ulrica - Ogni cura si doni al diletto
Jussi Björling
Alexander Sved
Stella Andreva
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Arrivo il primo! - È lui! è lui! ne' palpiti
Jussi Björling
Bruna Castagna
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Su, fatemi largo
Arthur Kent
Bruna Castagna
Jussi Björling
Lodovico Oliviero
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Che v'agita così?
Bruna Castagna
Zinka Milanov
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Della città all'occaso
Bruna Castagna
Zinka Milanov
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Finisci il vaticinio
Jussi Björling
Bruna Castagna
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Alexander Sved
Arthur Kent
Stella Andreva
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Ecco l'orrido campo ove s'accoppia
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Teco io sto - Non sai tu che se l'anima mia
Jussi Björling
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Ve' se di notte qui colla sposa
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Alexander Sved
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: A tal colpa è nulla il pianto
Alexander Sved
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Morrò, ma prima in grazia
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Alzati! Là tuo figlio
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Siam soli. Udite.
Alexander Sved
Nicola Moscona
Norman Cordon
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Saper vorreste
Stella Andreva
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Ah! Perchè qui! Fuggite
Zinka Milanov
Jussi Björling
Alexander Sved
Stella Andreva
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Prelude
Cesare Sodero
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Della mia bella incognita borghese
Jussi Björling
Richard Manning
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Questa o quella
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Partite? Crudele!
Jussi Björling
Maxine Stellman
Leonard Warren
Richard Manning
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Ah! veglia, o donna
Leonard Warren
Bidu Sayao
Thelma Altman
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act I: Giovanna, ho dei rimosi - È'il sol dell'anima
Bidu Sayao
Thelma Altman
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act II: Compiuto pur quanto - Sì, vendetta, tremenda vendetta
Leonard Warren
Bidu Sayao
William Hargrave
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act III: Un dì, se ben rammentomi
Jussi Björling
Bidu Sayao
Martha Lipton
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act III: Bella figlia dell'amore
Jussi Björling
Martha Lipton
Bidu Sayao
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act III: M'odi! - Venti scudi, hai tu detto?
Leonard Warren
Bidu Sayao
Norman Cordon
Jussi Björling
Martha Lipton
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Rigoletto - Highlights:Act III: Della vendetta alfin giunge l'instante!
Leonard Warren
Norman Cordon
Jussi Björling
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Sei polli, sei scellini
Fritz Reiner
Leonard Warren
Alessio De Paolis
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Ehi! Paggio!
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Alice ... Meg ... Nanetta
Martha Lipton
Regina Resnik
Cloe Elmo
Licia Albanese
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: In due parole
Lorenzo Alvary
Leslie Chabay
Giuseppe Valdengo
Alessio De Paolis
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Licia Albanese
Regina Resnik
Martha Lipton
Cloe Elmo
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Pst, pst! Nanetta.
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Licia Albanese
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act I: Udrai quanta egli sfoggia magniloquenza altera
Alessio De Paolis
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Leslie Chabay
Regina Resnik
Licia Albanese
Martha Lipton
Cloe Elmo
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Olà! Ned! Will!
Regina Resnik
Cloe Elmo
Licia Albanese
Martha Lipton
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act II: Mia signora
Cloe Elmo
Leonard Warren
Regina Resnik
Martha Lipton
Giuseppe Valdengo
Alessio De Paolis
Lorenzo Alvary
Licia Albanese
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Leslie Chabay
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Ehi! Taverniere!
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Brava! Quelle corna saranno la mia gioia!
Giuseppe Valdengo
Regina Resnik
Martha Lipton
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Licia Albanese
Leslie Chabay
Cloe Elmo
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Dal labbro il canto estasiato vola
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Licia Albanese
Regina Resnik
Cloe Elmo
Martha Lipton
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Ninfe! Elfi!... Sul fil d'un soffio etesio
Licia Albanese
Leonard Warren
Regina Resnik
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Alto là! Chi va là!
Alessio De Paolis
Lorenzo Alvary
Leonard Warren
Cloe Elmo
Regina Resnik
Licia Albanese
Martha Lipton
Giuseppe Valdengo
Leslie Chabay
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Falstaff - Highlights:Act III: Tutto nel mondo è burla
Leonard Warren
Giuseppe Di Stefano
Cloe Elmo
Regina Resnik
Lorenzo Alvary
Martha Lipton
Alessio De Paolis
Licia Albanese
Giuseppe Valdengo
Leslie Chabay
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Prologue: Che dicesti?
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Prologue: All'alba tutti qui verete?...L'atra magion vedete?
Lorenzo Alvary
Giuseppe Valdengo
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Prologue: A te l'estremo addio...Il lacerato spirito
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Prologue: Oh de' Fieschi implacata, orrida razza!
Leonard Warren
Mihaly Szekely
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Prelude
Fritz Stiedry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Ah!...Che fia?
Astrid Varnay
Fritz Stiedry
Richard Tucker
Maxine Stellman
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Propizio ei giunge!
Richard Tucker
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Evviva! Evviva il Doge!
Leonard Warren
Richard Tucker
Lorenzo Alvary
Astrid Varnay
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Nell'ora soave
Astrid Varnay
Richard Tucker
Leonard Warren
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Plebe! Patrizi!
Leonard Warren
Astrid Varnay
Richard Tucker
Mihaly Szekely
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act II: Doge! Ancor proveran la tua clemenza I traditori?
Leonard Warren
Richard Tucker
Astrid Varnay
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act II: All'armi, all'armi o Liguri
Astrid Varnay
Richard Tucker
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Libero sei
Mihaly Szekely
Giuseppe Valdengo
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act I: Overture
Fritz Stiedry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act I: Buona notte, mia figlia
Luben Vichey
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act I: Ma pellegrina ed orfana
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act I: M'aiuti, signorina...Ah, per sempre
Laura Castellano
Zinka Milanov
Richard Tucker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act II: Chi siete?
Gerhard Pechner
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act II: È fermo il voto?
Jerome Hines
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act II: Il santo nome di Dio Signore sia benedetto
Jerome Hines
Gerhard Pechner
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Al tradimento
Leonard Warren
Richard Tucker
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: All'armi! All'armi!
Leonard Warren
Richard Tucker
Algerd Brazis
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Urna fatale del mio destino
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Compagni, sostiamo
Fritz Stiedry
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Nè gustare m'e dato
Richard Tucker
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Lorchè pifferi e tamburi
Mildred Miller
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Toh, toh! - Poffare il mondo!
Gerhard Pechner
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act III: Lasciatelo ch'ei vada...Rataplan
Mildred Miller
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act IV: Fate la carità
Jerome Hines
Gerhard Pechner
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act IV: Auf! Pazienza non v'ha che basti!
Gerhard Pechner
Jerome Hines
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
La Forza del Destino - Highlights:Act IV: Pace, pace mio Dio!
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Prelude
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: S' allontanarono!
Erich Leinsdorf
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Oh donna mia!
Leonard Warren
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act I: Schiudi, inferno, la bocca ed inghiotti
Leonie Rysanek
Carlotta Ordassy
Carlo Bergonzi
William Olvis
Jerome Hines
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act II: Perchè mi sfuggi
Leonie Rysanek
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act II: Studia il passo, o mio figlio! ... Come dal ciel precipita
Jerome Hines
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act II: Sangue a me quell'ombra chiede
Leonard Warren
Carlotta Ordassy
Carlo Bergonzi
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act III: Tre volte miagola la gatta in fregola
Erich Leinsdorf
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act III: Ove son io?
Leonard Warren
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act IV: Patria oppressa!
Erich Leinsdorf
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Macbeth - Highlights:Act IV: Vegliammo invan due notti
Carlotta Ordassy
Gerhard Pechner
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Overture
Thomas Schippers
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part I: Come notte a sol fulgente
Cesare Siepi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part I: Io t'amava! Il regno, il core
Leonie Rysanek
Eugenio Fernandi
Rosalind Elias
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part I: Lo vedeste? Fulminando egli irrompe nella folta!
Carlotta Ordassy
Cesare Siepi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part I: Viva Nabucco!
Leonie Rysanek
Cesare Siepi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part I: Tremin gl'insani del mio, del mio furore!
Rosalind Elias
Eugenio Fernandi
Carlotta Ordassy
Cesare Siepi
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part II: Che si vuol? - Il maledetto non ha fratelli
Eugenio Fernandi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part III: Eccelsa donna, che d'Assiria il fato reggi
Bonaldo Giaiotti
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part III: Ah qual suon! . . . Deh perdona
Leonie Rysanek
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part IV: Son pur queste mie membra!
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Nabucco - Highlights:Part IV: Viva Nabucco . . . Qual grido è questo!
Carlotta Ordassy
Rosalind Elias
Eugenio Fernandi
Cesare Siepi
Bonaldo Giaiotti
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act I: Si, corre voce che l'Etiope ardisca sfidarci ancora
Jerome Hines
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act I: Quale insolita gioia nel tuo sguardo!
Grace Bumbry
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act I: Vieni, o diletta appressati
Grace Bumbry
Leontyne Price
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act I: Alta cagion v'aduna
Louis Sgarro
Robert Nagy
Carlo Bergonzi
Jerome Hines
Leontyne Price
Grace Bumbry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act I: Mortal, diletto ai Numi - Nume custode e vindice
Jerome Hines
Carlo Bergonzi
Lilian Sukis
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act II: Dance of the Young Moorish Slaves
Grace Bumbry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act II: Fu la sorte dell'armi a' tuoi funesta, povera Aida!
Grace Bumbry
Leontyne Price
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act II: Su! del Nilo al sacro lido
Grace Bumbry
Leontyne Price
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act II: Triumphal March
Thomas Schippers
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act II: Vieni, o guerriero vindice
Thomas Schippers
Metropolitan Opera Chorus
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act II: Salvator della patria, io ti saluto
Louis Sgarro
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act II: O Re, pei sacri Numi
Carlo Bergonzi
Louis Sgarro
Grace Bumbry
Jerome Hines
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act III: Qui Radamès verrà! ... O patria mia
Leontyne Price
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act III: Pur ti riveggo, mia dolce Aida
Carlo Bergonzi
Leontyne Price
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act III: Fuggiam gli ardori inospiti
Leontyne Price
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act IV: L'aborrita rivale a me sfuggia
Grace Bumbry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act IV: Già i sacerdoti adunansi
Grace Bumbry
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act IV: Radamès! Radamès! Radamès!
Jerome Hines
Grace Bumbry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act IV: Vedi? Di morte l'angelo
Leontyne Price
Carlo Bergonzi
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act III: O tu che sei d'Osiride
Lilian Sukis
Jerome Hines
Grace Bumbry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act III: Ciel! mio padre! - Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate
Leontyne Price
Robert Merrill
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act III: Padre! A costoro, schiava, non sono
Leontyne Price
Robert Merrill
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act III: Ma, dimmi
Leontyne Price
Carlo Bergonzi
Robert Merrill
Grace Bumbry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act IV: Misero appien mi festi
Carlo Bergonzi
Grace Bumbry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act IV: Ohimè! Morir mi sento!
Grace Bumbry
Jerome Hines
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act IV: La fatal pietra sovra me si chiuse
Carlo Bergonzi
Leontyne Price
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Aida - Highlights:Act IV: O terra, addio
Leontyne Price
Carlo Bergonzi
Grace Bumbry
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera