Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Libero sei
Mihaly Szekely
Giuseppe Valdengo
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Plebe! Patrizi!
Leonard Warren
Astrid Varnay
Richard Tucker
Mihaly Szekely
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Nell'ora soave
Astrid Varnay
Richard Tucker
Leonard Warren
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Evviva! Evviva il Doge!
Leonard Warren
Richard Tucker
Lorenzo Alvary
Astrid Varnay
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Propizio ei giunge!
Richard Tucker
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Prologue: Oh de' Fieschi implacata, orrida razza!
Leonard Warren
Mihaly Szekely
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Prologue: A te l'estremo addio...Il lacerato spirito
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Gran Dio, li benedici
Leonard Warren
Astrid Varnay
Richard Tucker
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Chi veggo! - Vien
Astrid Varnay
Leonard Warren
Richard Tucker
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Piango, perchè mi parla
Mihaly Szekely
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Delle faci festani al barlume
Mihaly Szekely
Leonard Warren
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act III: Cittadini! Per ordine del Doge
Leonard Warren
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act II: Quei due vedesti?
Giuseppe Valdengo
Lorenzo Alvary
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Ecco la spada...In te risiede l'austero dritto popolar
Richard Tucker
Leonard Warren
Giuseppe Valdengo
Astrid Varnay
Mihaly Szekely
Lorenzo Alvary
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Act I: Il Doge vien...Dinne, perchè in quest'eremo
Richard Tucker
Mihaly Szekely
Leonard Warren
Giuseppe Valdengo
Astrid Varnay
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Simon Boccanegra - Highlights:Prologue: Del mar sul lido fra gente ostile
Leonard Warren
Mihaly Szekely
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera