
歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
Te Deum / Himno gregoriano Gothic Voices Música en el Camino de Santiago
Je vueil vivre au plaisir d'amours Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Se vous scaviez Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Ce jour de l'an Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Mon seul voloir... Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Regali ex progenie Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Sanctus Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Salve mater Domini... Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Pas de tor en thies pais Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Riches d'amour Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Avrai je ja de ma dame confort? Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Le ior Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Quand je ne voy Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Credo Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Tres gentil cuer Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Soit tart, tempre, main ou soir Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Puis qu'autrement ne puis avoir Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
Donnez, signeurs Gothic Voices Lancaster & Valois: 1350-1420
O Ecclesia Gothic Voices A feather on the breath of God
O presul vere civitatis Gothic Voices A feather on the breath of God
O viridissima virga Gothic Voices A feather on the breath of God
O Euchari Gothic Voices A feather on the breath of God 歌词
O Jerusalem Gothic Voices A feather on the breath of God
O ignis spiritus Gothic Voices A feather on the breath of God 歌词
Ave, generosa Gothic Voices A feather on the breath of God
Columba aspexit Gothic Voices A feather on the breath of God 歌词
The Agincourt Carol 'Deo gracias, Anglia, redde pro victoria!' Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Je vous pri que j'aye un baysier Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Quam pulchra es Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Le grant pleyser Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Le gay playsir Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Las, que me demanderoye Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Sanctus Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Ther is no rose of swych vertu Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Gloria Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Lullay, lullay Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Singularis laudis digna Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Gratissima virginis/Vos qui admiramini/Gaude gloriosa/Contratenor Gothic Voices The Service of Venus & Mars
Inviolata genitrix / Felix virgo / Contratenor / Ad te suspiramus Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus
Douce dame jolie Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus 歌词
Amours me fait desirer Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus
Dame, a vous sans retollir Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus
Rose, liz, printemps, verdure Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus 歌词
Je vivroie liement Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus 歌词
Biauté qui toutes autres pere Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus
Dame, a qu Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus
Dame, mon cuer en vous remaint Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus
Tuit mi penser Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus
Dame, je sui cilz / Fins cuers doulz / Fins cuers doulz Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus
Foy porter, honneur garder- Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus
Dame, de qui toute ma joie vient Gothic Voices The Mirror of Narcissus
Agnus Dei Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Alma redemptoris mater Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Clangat tuba Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Nowell, nowell, nowell, this is the salutacion of the aungell Gabriell Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Make us merry Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Jesu fili Dei Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Jesu for thy mercy Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Salve regina Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Part 5: Dum transiret Jhesu Christi Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Movement 5: Agnus Dei Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Part 4: Mira fuit quam videbat Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Movement 4: Sanctus Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Part 3: Ecce ciphus ponderosus Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Movement 3: Credo Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Part 2: In nigrorum monachorum Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Movement 2: Gloria Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Movement 1: Kyrie 'Deus creator omnium' Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4 歌词
Part 1: Pange lingua, cor letare Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 4
Pange lingua Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Beata mater Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Ave maris stella Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Mater ora filium Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Sancta Maria virgo Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
To many a well Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Christe, qui lux es Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Missa Veterem hominem -Movement 5: Agnus Dei Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Salvator mundi Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Missa Veterem hominem -Movement 4: Sanctus and Benedictus Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
A solis ortus Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Missa Veterem hominem -Movement 3: Credo Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Jesu salvator Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Missa Veterem hominem -Movement 2: Gloria Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Missa Veterem hominem -Movement 1: Kyrie 'Deus creator omnium' Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Deus creator omnium Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5 歌词
Gaude Maria virgo Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5 歌词
Doleo super te Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
Jesu, fili virginis Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 5
O Jerusalem Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Congaudet hodie celestis curia Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Invocantes Dominum / Psalm 'Deus, qui venerunt' Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Luget Rachel iterum Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Jerusalem se plaint et li pais Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Veri vitis germine Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Gospel 'In illo tempore' 'Sequencia sancti Evangelii secundum Marcum' Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Pascha nostrum Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Hec dies quam fecit Dominus Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
In salvatoris / Ce fu en tres douz tens / In veritate / VERITATEM Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Chanterai pour mon coraige Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Hac in die Gedeonis Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
O levis aurula! Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Te Deum Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Jerusalem accipitur Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Jerusalem! grant damage me fais Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Luto carens et latere Gothic Voices Jerusalem, Vision of Peace
Musicorum collegio/In templo dei/TENOR Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Generosa Jesse plantula Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
O sponsa dei electa Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Pange lingua Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Venit dilectus meus Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Stella maris illustrans omnia Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Exultemus et Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Sospitati dat egrotos Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Jesu fili/Jesu lumen/JESU FILI VIRGINIS Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Jesu fili virginis Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Salve regina Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Letetur celi curia Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Pura, placens/Parfundement plure/TENOR Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Missus Gabriel de celis Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Copiose caritatis Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Omnis terra/Habenti dabitur/TENOR Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Summum regem honoremus Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Dulcia dona redemptoris Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Singularis laudis digna Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Vexilla regni prodeunt Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Inter usitata/Inter tot et tales/TENOR Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Ab ora summa nuncius Gothic Voices Masters of the Rolls
Ad cantus letitie Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Licet eger cum egrotis Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Flos floriger Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Argumenta faluntur fisice Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Resonet, intonet Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Agnus Dei, qui pius est factus Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Adulari nesciens Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Benedicamus Domino, Spiritus almi Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Tronus regis instauratur Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Virgo mater salvatoris Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Divino maduit Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Diastematica Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
In natali novi regis Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Vacillantis trutine Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Cantu miro Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Rerum Deus conditor Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Magno gaudens gaudio Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Ecce torpet probitas Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Regis cuius potentia Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
In hoc ortus occidente Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Verbum patris umanatur O O Gothic Voices The Earliest Songbook in England
Va t'ent souspir Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Qui ne veroit que vos deulx yeulx Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Confort d'amours Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Je me demande ma bienvenue Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Plaindre m'estuet Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Pour mesdisans ne pour leur faulx parler Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Puisque je suy amoureux Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Quel fronte signorille in paradiso Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
O regina seculi/Reparatrix Maria Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Per seguir la sperança Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Ochi dolenti mie Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Non na el so amante Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Amor mi fa cantar a la Francesca Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Quando la stella Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Constantia Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Quando i oselli canta Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Per la ver'onestà Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Astio non morì mai Gothic Voices A Song for Francesca
Festa januaria Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Je m'en vois/Tels a mout/OMNES Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Autres que je ne sueill fas Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
En non Dieu/Quant voi la rose/NOBIS Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Quant voi l'alouete/Diex! je ne m'en partiré ja/NEUMA Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Can vei la lauzeta mover Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Mout souvent/Mout ai esté en dolour/MULIERUM Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
A vous douce debonnaire Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Super te Ierusalem/Sed fulsit virginitas/PRIMUS TENOR/DOMINUS Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Ave parens/Ad gratie/AVE MARIA Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Trop volentiers chanteroie Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
De la virge Katerine/Quant froidure/Agmina milicie/AGMINA Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Par un matinet/Hé, sire!/Hé, bergier!/EIUS Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Plus bele que flors / Quant revient / L'autrier jouer / FLOS FILIUS EIUS Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
En tous tans que vente bise Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Trois sereurs/Trois sereurs/Trois sereurs/PERLUSTRAVIT Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Je ne chant pas/Talens m'est pris/APTATUR/OMNES Gothic Voices The Marriage of Heaven & Hell
Pues serviçio vos desplaze Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Ma dame, trop vous mesprenés Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
So ys emprinted Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Plus j'ay le monde regardé Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Mi ut re ut 'Venise' Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
La pena sin ser sabida Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
En amours n'a si non bien Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Ne je ne dors Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Dueil angoisseux Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Myn hertis lust Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Que pourroit plus Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Las je ne puis plus nullement durer Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Puisque ma damme / Je m'en voy Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Le souvenir de vous me tue) Gothic Voices The Castle of Fair Welcome
Ave Maria Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Presul nostri temporis Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
In Rama sonat gemitus Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Flos in monte cernitur Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Crucifigat omnes Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
La quarte estampie real Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Virgo plena gratie - Virgo plena gratie Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Beata nobis gaudia Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Je ne puis - Par un matin - Le premier jor - Iustus Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
La septime estampie real Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Deduc, Syon, uberrimas Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Plaisance, or tost Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
La uitime estampie real Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Credo Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Laus detur multipharia Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
En cest mois de May Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Ay mi! dame de valour Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Belle sans per Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Gloria Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Quant la douce jouvencelle Gothic Voices The Spirits of England & France, Vol. 1
Adieu ces bons vins de Lannoys Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
Je la remire, la belle Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
Giunta vaga biltà Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
Qui le sien vuelt bien maintenir Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
Amours n'ont cure de tristresse Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
Fortune, faulce, parverse Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
Va t'en, mon cuer, avent mes yeux Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus 歌词
Mon cuer me fait tous dis penser Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
Nessun ponga speran?a Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
Ma seul amour et ma belle maistresse Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
Amour m'a le cuer mis en tel martire Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
N'a pas long temps que trouvay Zephirus Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
J'atendray tant qu'il vous playra Gothic Voices The Garden of Zephirus
Latex silice Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Ver pacis apperit Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Ma joie me semont Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Pange melos lacrimosum Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Li nouviauz tanz Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Purgator criminum Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
L'amours dont sui espris Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
In occasu sideris Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Vetus abit littera Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Etas auri reditur Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Anglia, planctus itera Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Hac in anni ianua Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Sol sub nube latuit Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
A la dou?our de la bele seson Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Novus miles sequitur Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Mundus vergens Gothic Voices Music for the Lion-Hearted King
Tota pulcra es, amica mea Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Je voel servir plus c'onques mais Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Las, que feray? Ne que je devenray? Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Je requier a tous amoureux Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Comment qu'a moy lonteinne Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
En ce gracieux tamps joli Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Mais qu'il vous viengne a plaisance Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Degentis vita / Cum vix artidici / Tenor / Contratenor Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Tant doucement me sens emprisonnes Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Plus bele que flors / Quant revient / L'autrier jouer / FLOS FILIUS EIUS Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Sofrir m'estuet et plus non puis durer Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
C'est force, faire le weil Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Alma polis religio / Axe poli cum artica / Tenor / Contratenor Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Quant voi le douz tans / En mai / [Immo]LATUS Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Joieux de cuer en seumellant estoye Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics 歌词
Je languis d'amere mort Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Quiconques veut d'amors joïr Gothic Voices The Medieval Romantics
Je vueil vivre au plaisir d'amours Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Se vous scaviez, ma tres douce maistresse Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Ce jour de l'an Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Mon seul voloir / Certes m'amour Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Regali ex progenie Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Sanctus Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Salve mater Domini / Salve templum gracie Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Pas de tor en thies pais Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Riches d'amour Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Avrai je ja de ma dame confort? Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Le ior Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Quand je ne voy Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Credo Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Tres gentil cuer Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Soit tart, tempre, main ou soir Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Puis qu'autrement ne puis avoir Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Donnez, signeurs Gothic Voices Lancaster and Valois
Le basile Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Dame, je vueil endurer Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Ay las! quant je pans Gothic Voices The Study of Love
En esperant Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Se mesdisans-Rogers Covey Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Gloria Gothic Voices The Study of Love
La grant biauté Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Combien que j'aye Gothic Voices The Study of Love
En la maison Dedalus Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Le ior 'Faenza codex' Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Tres bonne et belle Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Il me convient guerpir Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Fist on, dame Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Trop plus / Biauté paree / Je ne suis Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Renouveler me fe?st Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Marticius qui fu Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Combien que j'aye-Rogers Covey Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Dame, je sui cilz / Fins cuers doulz / Fins cuers doulz Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Jour a jour la vie Gothic Voices The Study of Love
Puis que l'aloe ne fine- Gothic Voices The Study of Love