Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Ah! Perchè qui! Fuggite
Zinka Milanov
Jussi Björling
Alexander Sved
Stella Andreva
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Saper vorreste
Stella Andreva
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Siam soli. Udite.
Alexander Sved
Nicola Moscona
Norman Cordon
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Alzati! Là tuo figlio
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: A tal colpa è nulla il pianto
Alexander Sved
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Ve' se di notte qui colla sposa
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Alexander Sved
Zinka Milanov
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Finisci il vaticinio
Jussi Björling
Bruna Castagna
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Alexander Sved
Arthur Kent
Stella Andreva
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Signori, oggi d'Ulrica - Ogni cura si doni al diletto
Jussi Björling
Alexander Sved
Stella Andreva
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Alla vita che t'arride
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Ella è pura: in braccio a morte
Jussi Björling
Zinka Milanov
Stella Andreva
Alexander Sved
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Fervono amori e danze
Norman Cordon
Alexander Sved
Nicola Moscona
Stella Andreva
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Il messaggio entri - Ah! Di che fulgor
Alexander Sved
Stella Andreva
Zinka Milanov
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: E chi vien? Tu?
Alexander Sved
Zinka Milanov
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act III: Eri tu che macchiavi
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Seguitemi
Alexander Sved
Zinka Milanov
Norman Cordon
Nicola Moscona
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act II: Ahimè! S'appressa alcun! - Odi tu come fremono
Zinka Milanov
Jussi Björling
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Un Ballo in Maschera - Highlights:Act I: Il cenno mio di là con essi attendi
Jussi Björling
Stella Andreva
Alexander Sved
Verdi at the MET: Legendary Performances from The Metropolitan Opera
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, ., Act III: "Verachtet mir die Meister nicht" (Sachs)
Alexander Sved
Prague National Theatre Orchestra
Jaroslav Vogel
Czech And World Opera Works. The Eighty-Year Anniversary Of The National Theatre