Act I: The Lady's Paying

Act I: The Lady's Paying 歌词

歌曲 Act I: The Lady's Paying
歌手 Andrew Lloyd Webber
专辑 Sunset Boulevard (Highlights) (Original Motion Picture Score)
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[00:03.350] NORMA:Hurry up, the birthday boy is on his way
[00:07.925] This is a surprise celebration
[00:11.862] I hope you've remembered everything I've said
[00:16.028] I want to see a total transformation
[00:20.428] JOE: What's all this?
[00:21.788] NORMA:Happy birthday, darling. Did you think we'd forgotten?
[00:24.701] JOE: Well, I ... I don't know.
[00:26.848] NORMA: These people are from the best men's shop in town.
[00:29.368] I had them close it down for the day.
[00:30.727] JOE: Norma, now listen!
[00:31.423] NORMA: I'll leave you boys to it.
[00:33.654] MANFRED: Happy birthday, welcome to your shopathon!
[00:39.251] JOE: What's going on?
[00:40.574] MANFRED: Help yourself, it's all been taken care of
[00:43.906] Anyone who's anyone is dressed by me
[00:46.854] JOE: Well, golly gee
[00:48.387] MANFRED: Pick out anything you'd like a pair of
[00:52.230] You just point, I'll do the rest
[00:54.367] I've brought nothing but the best
[00:56.492] You're a very lucky writer
[00:58.754] Come along now, get undressed
[01:01.285] Unless I'm much mistaken
[01:03.330] That's a 42-inch chest
[01:05.732] JOE: I don't understand a word you're saying
[01:09.353] MANFRED: Well, all you need to know's the lady's paying
[01:12.233] It's nice to get your just reward this time of year
[01:15.588] JOE: Get outta here!
[01:16.645] MANFRED:And all my merchandise is strictly kosher
[01:19.744] When you've thrown away all your old worn-out stuff
[01:23.413] JOE:Hey, that's enough
[01:24.713] MANFRED: Perhaps you'd like to model for my brochure
[01:28.614] I have just the thing for you
[01:30.785] Chalk-stripe suits
[01:31.795] SALESMAN 1: In black
[01:32.632] SALESMAN 2: Or blue
[01:33.385] SALESMAN 3: Glen plaid trousers
[01:34.349] SALESMAN 4: Cashmere sweaters
[01:35.430] SALESMAN 5: Bathing shorts for Malibu
[01:37.596] SALESMAN 6: Here's a patent leather lace-up
[01:39.872] SALESMAN 7: It's a virtuoso shoe
[01:42.275] MANFRED: And a simply marvelous coat made of vicuna
[01:46.128] JOE: You know what you can do with your vicuna
[01:49.519] NORMA: Come on Joe, you haven't even started yet
[01:52.618] JOE: You wanna bet?
[01:53.697] NORMA: I thought by now he'd look the height of fashion
[01:56.693] He always takes forever making up his mind
[02:00.396] Don't be unkind
[02:01.732] I thought you writers knew about compassion
[02:05.029] I love flannel on a man
[02:07.896] MANFRED: This will complement his tan
[02:10.090] NORMA: We'll take two of these and four of those
[02:12.749] MANFRED: I'm still your greatest fan!
[02:14.977] Very soon now we'll have stopped him
[02:17.475] Looking like an also-ran
[02:19.183] JOE: You're going to make me sorry that I'm staying
[02:23.142] NORMA: Well, all right, I'll choose, after all, I'm paying!
[02:25.843] MANFRED: Evening clothes?
[02:27.480] NORMA: I want to see your most deluxe
[02:29.361] JOE: Won't wear a tux
[02:30.638] NORMA: Of course not, dear, tuxedos are for waiters
[02:33.782] MANFRED:What we need are tails, a white tie and top hat
[02:37.300] J OE:I can't wear that
[02:38.695] NORMA:Joe, second-rate clothes are for second-raters
[02:41.458] JOE:Norma, please...
[02:42.735] NORMA: Shut up, I'm rich
[02:44.092] Now some platinum blonde bitch
[02:46.403] I own so many apartments
[02:48.341] I've forgotten which is which
[02:50.454] JOE: I don't have to go to premieres
[02:53.032] I'm never on display
[02:55.039] You seem to forget that I'm a writer
[02:59.196] Who cares what you wear when you're a writer?
[03:02.331] NORMA: I care, Joe, and please don't be so mean to me.
[03:05.442] JOE: OK, all right.
[03:07.172] NORMA: You can't come to my New Year's Eve party in that filling-station shirt.
[03:11.653] JOE: I've been invited somewhere else on New Year's Eve.
[03:14.382] NORMA: Where?
[03:15.391] JOE: Artie Green. He's an old friend of mine.
[03:17.214] NORMA: I can't do without you, Joe, I need you.
[03:21.998] I've sent out every single invitation
[03:25.788] JOE: All right, Norma, I give in
[03:28.888] NORMA:Of course you do
[03:30.468] And when they've dressed you
[03:32.104] You'll cause a sensation
[03:35.739] SALESMEN: We equip the chosen few of Movieland
[03:38.861] MANFRED: (The latest cut)
[03:40.186] SALESMEN: We dress every movie star and crooner
[03:43.086] From their shiny toecaps to their hatband
[03:47.244] MANFRED: (Conceal your gut)
[03:48.625] You won't regret selecting the vicuna
[03:52.004] SALESMEN: If you need a hand to shake
[03:54.081] If there's a girl you want to make
[03:56.380] If there's a soul you're out to capture
[03:58.761] Or a heart you want to break
[04:01.105] If you want the world to love you
[04:03.380] MANFRED: You'll have to learn to take
[04:05.446] SALESMEN: And gracefully accept the role you're playing
[04:09.778] MANFRED: You will earn every cent the lady's paying
[04:12.900] SALESMEN: So why not have it all?
[04:20.122] MANFRED: Now that didn't hurt, did it?
[04:22.060] SALESMEN: The lady's paying!
[00:03.350] 【诺玛】快点,寿星公快要来了
[00:07.925] 这将是一个超级盛典
[00:11.862] 你们最好记住我说的所有要求
[00:16.028] 我要这里改头换面
[00:20.428] 【乔】这些都是什么?
[00:21.788] 【诺玛】生日快乐,亲爱的。你以为我们忘了吗?
[00:24.701] 【乔】嗯……我,我不知道
[00:26.848] 【诺玛】这些人来自城里最好的男装店
[00:29.368] 我让他们今天歇业一天
[00:30.727] 【乔】诺玛,你听我说!
[00:31.423] 【诺玛】我就把他交给你们啦
[00:33.654] 【曼弗雷德】生日快乐,欢迎来到你的私人购物中心!
[00:39.251] 【乔】发生什么了?
[00:40.574] 【曼弗雷德】不用客气,我们来照看你
[00:43.906] 所有有名气的人都是我来打扮的
[00:46.854] 【乔】好吧,天啊
[00:48.387] 【曼弗雷德】挑挑你想买什么
[00:52.230] 你只需要指出你想要的,剩下的交给我
[00:54.367] 我带来的都是最好的
[00:56.492] 你是一位非常幸运的作家
[00:58.754] 来,你把身上衣服脱下来
[01:01.285] 我绝对不会看错的
[01:03.330] 这是42英寸的胸围
[01:05.732] 【乔】我完全不明白你说的话
[01:09.353] 【曼弗雷德】好了,你只需要知道这位女士会付钱
[01:12.233] 在这个时候得到你的年终奖赏真是太好了
[01:15.588] 【乔】别碰那里!
[01:16.645] 【曼弗雷德】我所有商品都是最合身的
[01:19.744] 你要把你的旧衣服都扔掉
[01:23.413] 【乔】嘿,够了!
[01:24.713] 【曼弗雷德】或许你愿意给我的宣传册当模特
[01:28.614] 我有最适合你的服饰
[01:30.785] 粉笔条纹套装
[01:31.795] 黑的
[01:32.632] 或者蓝的
[01:33.385] 格子呢长裤
[01:34.349] 开司米羊毛衣
[01:35.430] 去马里布要带的泳裤
[01:37.596] 蕾丝花边漆皮
[01:39.872] 一双精品皮鞋
[01:42.275] 和一件绝佳的驼绒大衣
[01:46.128] 你当然知道能用驼绒做什么
[01:49.519] 【诺玛】拜托,乔,你这才刚开始呢
[01:52.618] 【乔】你想打个赌吗?
[01:53.697] 【诺玛】我想现在他看起来有点时尚气息了
[01:56.693] 他总是做不了决定
[02:00.396] 所以尽量友善一点
[02:01.732] 我想你们作家都有这种同情心
[02:05.029] 我最喜欢男人穿法兰绒了
[02:07.896] 【曼弗雷德】这会衬托他小麦色的皮肤
[02:10.090] 【诺玛】这个我要两个,那个我要四个
[02:12.749] 【曼弗雷德】我还是你的头号粉丝!
[02:14.977] 很快我们就要让他停下来
[02:17.475] 他看起来像个落选者
[02:19.183] 【乔】你会让我不好意思留下来的
[02:23.142] 【诺玛】好吧好吧,我来选,反正到最后,我来付钱!
[02:25.843] 【曼弗雷德】晚装呢?
[02:27.480] 【诺玛】我要看你们最高级的礼服
[02:29.361] 【乔】我不穿无尾晚礼服
[02:30.638] 【诺玛】当然不穿,亲爱的,那是给侍应生穿的
[02:33.782] 【曼弗雷德】我们要有燕尾服、白色领结和礼帽
[02:37.300] 【乔】我穿不来那个
[02:38.695] 【诺玛】乔,次品衣服是给此等人穿的
[02:41.458] 【乔】诺玛,求你了……
[02:42.735] 【诺玛】闭嘴,我很富有
[02:44.092] 不像现在那些染金发的婊子
[02:46.403] 我有那么多房产
[02:48.341] 数都数不清
[02:50.454] 【乔】我又不用去首映式
[02:53.032] 我永远不会被展示
[02:55.039] 你似乎忘了我只是个作家
[02:59.196] 谁在乎一个作家穿什么?
[03:02.331] 【诺玛】我在乎,乔,请不要对我这么绝情
[03:05.442] 【乔】好吧
[03:07.172] 【诺玛】你不穿那套衣服,可来不了我的跨年派对
[03:11.653] 【乔】可是有另一个派对邀请我
[03:14.382] 【诺玛】哪个?
[03:15.391] 【乔】阿蒂·格林,他是我的老朋友
[03:17.214] 【诺玛】没有你我可开不了派对,乔,我需要你
[03:21.998] 我已经把请柬都寄出去了
[03:25.788] 【乔】好吧,诺玛,我投降
[03:28.888] 【诺玛】当然了
[03:30.468] 等他们把你打扮好
[03:32.104] 你将会引起轰动
[03:35.739] 【售货员们】我们挑选了电影里最流行的款式
[03:38.861] 【曼弗雷德】最后的调整
[03:40.186] 【售货员们】每一个电影明星和歌手都是我们打扮的
[03:43.086] 从他们闪闪发光的鞋尖到帽沿
[03:47.244] 【曼弗雷德】藏起你的想法
[03:48.625] 选择法兰绒你一定不会后悔
[03:52.004] 【售货员们】如果你要和一个人握手
[03:54.081] 如果你要追求一位女孩
[03:56.380] 如果你要抓住一个人的灵魂
[03:58.761] 如果你要打碎一个人的心
[04:01.105] 如果你要全世界都爱你
[04:03.380] 【曼弗雷德】那你就要学会去索取
[04:05.446] 【售货员们】并且充满感激地接受你扮演的角色
[04:09.778] 【曼弗雷德】这位女士花的每一分钱都会值得的
[04:12.900] 【售货员们】所以为什么不把这些都要了呢?
[04:20.122] 【曼弗雷德】反正你也不会有什么损失,对吗?
[04:22.060] 【售货员们】反正是这位女士付钱!
Act I: The Lady's Paying 歌词
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