
歌曲 歌手 专辑 歌词
crying moon -acoustic version- fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation-
belief -TRI-HEDGE RMX- fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide
tearful voice fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide
Blue Moon<instrumental> fripSide Love with You <通常盤> 歌词
magicaride ―version2016― fripSide the very best of fripSide 2009-2020
Two souls ―toward the truth― fripSide the very best of fripSide 2009-2020
Two souls-toward the truth fripSide NBCUniversal ANIME×MUSIC FESTIVAL 歌词
Love with You<instrumental> fripSide Love with You <通常盤>
Blue Moon fripSide Love with You <通常盤>
Love with You fripSide Love with You <通常盤>
white relation(IS4 version) fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
under a starlit sky fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
adverse wind fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
colorless fate -version 2018- fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
breaking dawn fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
close to you fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
you only live once fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
Like a blink, a short night. fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
Edge of the Universe fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
beyond the horizon fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
snow of silence fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
one dream fripSide infinite synthesis 4 (通常盤)
happy colorful day fripSide ハナヒメ*アブソリュート! ボーカルトラック
black bullet (parade ver.) fripSide J-アニソン神曲祭り-パレード- [DJ和 in No.1胸熱MIX]
killing bites (Instrumental) fripSide killing bites
The end of summer (inst.) fripSide Heaven is a Place on Earth
僕は僕であって off vocal version angela fripSide 僕は僕であって
The end of escape (Instrumental) fripSide angela The end of escape (初回限定盤)
only my railgun-TVサイズ- fripSide “とある科学の超电磁炮”ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK 1
fortissimo-the ultimate crisis- (instrumental) fripSide future gazer
absolute wish (Off Vocal) fripSide ハナヒメ*アブソリュート! ボーカルトラック
passion fruits fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2
clockwork planet (instrumental) fripSide clockwork planet
Break Our Limit (instrumental) fripSide clockwork planet
come to mind(version3) fripSide Decade
LEVEL5-judgelight-(TVサイズ) fripSide “とある科学の超电磁炮”ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK 2
three count (Instrumental) fripSide killing bites
2016-Third cosmic velocity- fripSide infinite synthesis 3
distant moon -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
hurting heart -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
an evening calm -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
message(version2) fripSide Decade
the chaostic world -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
escape -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
split tears -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
prominence -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
One and Only fripSide infinite synthesis 3
Red "reduction division" -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
sky -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
before dawn daybreak -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
brave new world -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
a gleam of prologue fripSide crossroads
snow blind -crossroads version- fripSide crossroads
only me and the moon fripSide crossroads
The end of escape -fripSide edition- fripSide crossroads
fortissimo-the ultimate crisis fripSide future gazer
The end of escape (TV size) fripSide angela The end of escape (初回限定盤)
furute gazer fripSide future gazer
LEVEL5-judgelight- fripSide LEVEL5-judgelight-
Run into the light fripSide infinite synthesis 3
Side by Side fripSide infinite synthesis 3
white forces -IS3 edition- fripSide infinite synthesis 3
1983-schwarzesmarken- (IS3 version) fripSide infinite synthesis 3
The end of escape (part of atsuko) fripSide angela The end of escape (通常盤)
冬のかけら fripSide Two souls -toward the truth-
escape fripSide crossroads
crossroads fripSide crossroads
The end of escape (part of yoshino nanjo) fripSide angela The end of escape (通常盤)
Dry your tears fripSide infinite synthesis 3
Answer fripSide infinite synthesis 3
determination fripSide infinite synthesis 3
僕は僕であって part of atsuko angela fripSide 僕は僕であって
unlimited destiny fripSide Luminize
floral summer (Instrumental) fripSide フローラル・フローラブ コンプリートサウンドトラック
Break Our Limit fripSide clockwork planet
white relation fripSide シュヴァルツェスマーケン ミュージックコレクション
Heaven is a Place on Earth (inst.) fripSide Heaven is a Place on Earth
brave new world -crossroads version- (Instrumental) fripSide divine criminal
divine criminal (Instrumental) fripSide divine criminal
I believe in my heart (Instrumental) fripSide divine criminal
magicaride -version2016- fripSide infinite synthesis 3
brave new world -crossroads version- (fripSide Only) fripSide divine criminal
happy colorful day (Off Vocal) fripSide ハナヒメ*アブソリュート! ボーカルトラック
floral summer fripSide フローラル・フローラブ 予約特典スペシャルサウンドトラック
I believe in my heart fripSide divine criminal
The end of escape fripSide angela The end of escape (通常盤)
《perpetual wishes~守护永恒的爱》 fripSide 仙境传说RO -守护永恒的爱
Glimmer (Off Vocal) fripSide ハナヒメ*アブソリュート! ボーカルトラック
僕は僕であって angela fripSide 僕は僕であって
way to answer fripSide way to answer
eternal reality -TV Size- fripSide eternal reality(初回限定アニメ盤)
Heaven is a Place on Earth fripSide Decade
僕は僕であって angela fripSide 僕は僕であって
Two souls -toward the truth- fripSide Two souls -toward the truth-
only my railgun (Instrumental) fripSide only my railgun
Luminize fripSide infinite synthesis 3
an evening calm fripSide crossroads
late in autumn fripSide only my railgun
only my railgun fripSide only my railgun
Two souls -toward the truth- fripSide infinite synthesis 3
only my railgun fripSide only my railgun
three count fripSide killing bites
fortissimo-the ultimate crisis- fripSide future gazer
keep your promise(Instrumental) fripSide keep your promise
I'm believing you fripSide infinite synthesis 2
Join Forces fripSide keep your promise
killing bites fripSide killing bites
divine criminal fripSide divine criminal
Two souls -toward the truth- fripSide infinite synthesis 3
crescendo -version2016- fripSide infinite synthesis 3
late in autumn fripSide infinite synthesis
LEVEL5 -judgelight- fripSide LEVEL5-judgelight-
future gazer fripSide infinite synthesis
clockwork planet fripSide clockwork planet
1983-Schwarzesmarken-(Instrumental) fripSide white forces
white forces(Instrumental) fripSide white forces
1983-Schwarzesmarken- fripSide white forces
white forces fripSide white forces
冬のかけら (instrumental) fripSide Two souls -toward the truth-
Two souls -toward the truth- (instrumental) fripSide Two souls -toward the truth-
keep your promise(Instrumental) fripSide keep your promise
Join Forces(Instrumental) fripSide keep your promise
glow in the darkness fripSide 南十字星恋歌 オリジナルサウンドトラック
with the light fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
join forces fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
precious time fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
absolute wish fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
keep your promise fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
Blaze of Reunion fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
glow in the darkness fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
fortuna on the Sixteenth night fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
sword of virgin fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
before dawn daybreak -version 2015- fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
Hesitation Snow fripSide fripSide PC game compilation vol.2 歌词
only my railgun fripSide DanceDanceRevolution X2 original sountrack 歌词
unlimited destiny (instrumental) fripSide Luminize 歌词
Luminize (instrumental) fripSide Luminize
Love to Sing -HEAVENS WiRE RMX- fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide
keep your promise fripSide keep your promise
Join Forces fripSide keep your promise
Only My Railgun - 双声道版 ぐるたみん fripSide 最新热歌慢摇116
glow in the darkness fripSide 南十字星恋歌 -Southern Cross Love Song ★- ボーカルコレクション 歌词
true resonance fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
always be with you fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
waiting for the moment fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
scorching heart fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
rain of tears fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
black bullet fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
eternal reality fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
Secret of my heart fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
I'm believing you fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
lost dimension fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
fermata~Akkord:fortissimo~ fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
infinite synthesis fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
sister's noise fripSide infinite synthesis 2 歌词
scorching heart fripSide eternal reality(通常盤) 歌词
scorching heart -instrumental- fripSide eternal reality(通常盤) 歌词
eternal reality -instrumental- fripSide eternal reality(通常盤) 歌词
eternal reality fripSide eternal reality(通常盤) 歌词
sky-version 2008- (Instrumental) fripSide Flower of Bravery 歌词
flower of bravery (Off Vocal) fripSide Flower of Bravery
sky-version 2008- fripSide Flower of Bravery 歌词
flower of bravery fripSide Flower of Bravery 歌词
pico scope -SACLA- (インストゥルメンタル) fripSide black bullet(通常盤) 歌词
black bullet (インストゥルメンタル) fripSide black bullet(通常盤) 歌词
pico scope -SACLA- fripSide black bullet(通常盤) 歌词
black bullet fripSide black bullet(通常盤) 歌词
Blaze of Reunion fripSide 恋剣乙女~再燃~ オリジナルサウンドトラック 歌词
endless memory ~refrain as Da Capo~ fripSide Decade 歌词
infinite orbit fripSide Decade 歌词
re:ceptivity fripSide Decade 歌词
message (version2) fripSide Decade 歌词
a silent voice fripSide Decade 歌词
whitebird fripSide Decade 歌词
grievous distance fripSide Decade 歌词
fortissimo-from insanity affection- fripSide Decade 歌词
Heaven is a Place on Earth fripSide Decade 歌词
come to mind (version3) fripSide Decade 歌词
fortissimo-the ultimate crisis- fripSide Decade 歌词
way to answer fripSide Decade 歌词
Decade fripSide Decade 歌词
Clover Heart's -Re:product mix- off vocal ver fripSide Clover Heart's
Clover Heart's -Re:product mix- half chorus ver fripSide Clover Heart's 歌词
Clover Heart's -Re:product mix- full chorus ver fripSide Clover Heart's 歌词
With the light fripSide 十六夜のフォルトゥーナ オリジナルサウンドトラック 歌词
fortuna on the Sixteenth night fripSide 十六夜のフォルトゥーナ オリジナルサウンドトラック 歌词
only my railgun fripSide J-アニソン神曲祭り -パラダイス- [DJ和 in No.1胸熱MIX] 歌词
eternal reality -Instrumental- fripSide eternal reality(初回限定アニメ盤) 歌词
eternal reality -TV Size- fripSide eternal reality(初回限定アニメ盤) 歌词
waiting for the moment fripSide eternal reality(初回限定アニメ盤) 歌词
eternal reality fripSide eternal reality(初回限定アニメ盤) 歌词
I'm believing you (Instrumental) fripSide sister's noise 歌词
sister's noise (Instrumental) fripSide sister's noise 歌词
I'm believing you fripSide sister's noise 歌词
sister's noise fripSide sister's noise 歌词
Heaven is a Place on Earth (Movie EDIT) fripSide 剧场版 ハヤテのごとく! HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON EARTH Original Soundtrack 歌词
Happy Go Round fripSide 恋剣乙女 Vocal Collection 歌词
Happy Go Round -instrumental- fripSide 恋剣乙女 Vocal Collection 歌词
sword of virgin fripSide 恋剣乙女 Vocal Collection 歌词
sword of virgin -instrumental- fripSide 恋剣乙女 Vocal Collection 歌词
end game fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide 歌词
distant moon fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide 歌词
Colorless fate fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide 歌词
introduction fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide 歌词
be sure... -album mix- fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide 歌词
Love to Sing fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide 歌词
in the future -side02- fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide
bright days fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide 歌词
your ocean -azure reproduct mix- fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide 歌词
come to mind fripSide 1st odyssey of fripSide 歌词
Detour -fripSide edition- fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide 歌词
transitory orbit fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide 歌词
storm of sorrow fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide 歌词
second fragment fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide 歌词
stellar fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide 歌词
belief fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide 歌词
crying moon fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide 歌词
message fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide 歌词
save me again fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide 歌词
sky fripSide 2nd fragment of fripSide 歌词
reminiscense blue fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide 歌词
vanity destroyer -fripSide edition- fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide
nostalgia fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide 歌词
colors of summer dream fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide
splash emotion fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide 歌词
transient wind fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide 歌词
planet illusion fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide 歌词
sky -sLab reproduct mix- fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide
an evening calm fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide 歌词
distant moon -version 2005- fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide 歌词
bright days -version 2005- fripSide 3rd reflection of fripSide 歌词
belief fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
absolute one fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
your ocean -azure reproduct mix- fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
the chaostic world fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
colors of summer dream fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006
planet illusion fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
splash emotion fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
love to sing fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006
stellar fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
be sure... -album mix- fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006
colorless fate fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
vanity destroyer fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
message fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
transient wind fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
an evening calm fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
end game fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
crying moon fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
reminiscence blue fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
crescendo fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
distant moon fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
save me again fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
nostalgia fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
bright days -version2005- fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
come to mind fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
transitory orbit fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
sky fripSide the very best of fripSide 2002-2006 歌词
dream myself! fripSide binarydigit 歌词
refine progress fripSide binarydigit 歌词
brave new world fripSide binarydigit 歌词
heart your wave fripSide binarydigit
hurting heart fripSide binarydigit 歌词
true eternity -album version- fripSide binarydigit 歌词
transient wind -version 2007- fripSide binarydigit 歌词
binary digit fripSide binarydigit 歌词
prominence -version 2007- fripSide binarydigit 歌词
misery fripSide binarydigit 歌词
libration crisis fripSide binarydigit 歌词
never no astray fripSide binarydigit 歌词
spiral of despair fripSide split tears 歌词
magicaride fripSide split tears 歌词
escape (version 2008) fripSide split tears 歌词
tomorrow fripSide split tears 歌词
fictional moon (album version) fripSide split tears 歌词
snow blind (album version) fripSide split tears 歌词
eternal twinkle fripSide split tears 歌词
before dawn daybreak fripSide split tears 歌词
split tears fripSide split tears 歌词
snow blind (after) fripSide split tears 歌词
praying over (album version) fripSide split tears 歌词
an evening calm (kai Re:product RMX) fripSide Re:product mixes ver.0.1 歌词
Red-reduction division- (sat vs tkm RMX) fripSide Re:product mixes ver.0.1 歌词
spiral of despair (tkm Re:product RMX) fripSide Re:product mixes ver.0.1
hurting heart (ju-ri-mix) fripSide Re:product mixes ver.0.1
magicaride (kai Re:product RMX) fripSide Re:product mixes ver.0.1
vanity destroyer (tkm Re:product RMX) fripSide Re:product mixes ver.0.1
Red-reduction division- (sat vs tkm RMX ver.2.1) fripSide Re:product mixes ver.0.1 歌词
my graduation fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 歌词
prominence fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 歌词
Red Date Girl fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation-
hurting heart -nao piano arrange- fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 歌词
ないしょ思春期 fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation-
snow blind fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 歌词
colorless fate -erica 2007-(DEMO) fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 歌词
holy night magic fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 歌词
grand blue fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 歌词
grace of summer fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 歌词
piece of azure fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 歌词
crying moon -acoustic version- - unplug fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation- 歌词
せな★せな@ultimate!! fripSide nao complete anthology 2002-2009 -my graduation-